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This Mental Health Chatbot aims to fill in the consultation in sundaffed schools

As the school districts called a struggle to support his students’ mental health Sonar Mental Health He built Sonny’s “Welfare companion” to help.

Like Described at Wall Street JournalSonny is a conversation that trusts in a combination of human workers and AI. When students wrote their questions to Sonny, AI offers a response, but it is people responsible for this message.

Sonar, Sonar signed the first school partnership in January 2024 and said that more than 4,500 secondary and high school students are already available in nine districts. The company is currently being monitored by a group of six people with a background on the line of psychology, social work and crisis.

The head of the pole Bavir told the magazine that the sons were not therapists and sonar employees will work with schools and parents to work with schools and parents, he said.

A great reason for this approach to the school districts is the current deficiency of consultants – the education department, 17% of high schools do not have high school.

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