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Cosh Council more than US Call decision for ‘swift’ end ‘to war in Ukraine

Donald Trimp was determined to establish “deal with the nation” and Russia, two languages ​​were suffering from “two languages ​​to the war war in Ukraine.

The US President’s book sat next to his French spouse, he came to our series of the popd in Presidence Vladimir Pundings.

“Adopted by one’s advancement. We had very good talks with Russia.” Just as we are doing in Ukraine, we can do the economic growth according to Russia and finding things we want. “

Earlier this month, the President of the United States was cleansed for pushing quick peace in bag speakers.

At the press after their meeting, Macron said that “good reason” they know more “that they need to do more to strengthen Europe’s security.

But he continued to make us safe sure that we are Ukraine to become part of his peace.

RETURN on Monday, the General Assembly arrived in a general way to judge Russia for its Ukraine attack, even though we are contrary to others and encouraging others.

When the latest Trump administration conversations resist Ukraine’s article, honesty was transferred to include the attack of Russian attack.

Finally, we decided to decide the final decision in its decision.

Trump says PUN will not reject European damage in Ukraine after the Pricing Outcomes. He has no problem with it, “Trump said:” He has no problem with it.

Macron said: “Europeans are willing to support Ukraine in different ways, and they are determined to be able to make peace.”

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