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Democrats wants to want to commit to feeding

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Democrats men want the Donald Trump NMinee to be free to commit independence to yourself, as Congress Presidents over the central bank.

Elizabeth Warren, Democrat above the Senate Bante Committee, sent Letter To White Hole to ask setteen Miran, Trump Nominee, noah to the seat of the forest counselor

The 21st, and see in the financial time, arrived before the Miran is guaranteed before Kiran’s Committee on Thursday.

Trump He used the first month of his second sentence to increase his superior power, including to strengthen white controls and household publications.

Last week, Trump signed in Executive command to find it Individual financial assignmentsTo lead them to “coathal” and white house “in their priorities in their lives”. The Fed Security FED structure was prepared, even though its wage plans were released.

The Cea Does a group of three people advise the President of the Economic Policy, and its seat can be an important influence on economic matters.

Stephen Miran
Stephen Miran calls to calm the size of the internal bank independence © of stephen miran ime ves linkedin

Miran, who served as a policy counselor in the Trump Treasure Department in the first time, I criticism Chair Jay Powell. He has also died most of the internal bank’s independence is eager, arguing that it does not work automatically and is in nature in the US basic system.

With a paper Last year advocating Feru change, Miran wrote that “pure iniral investigation” does not match body’s mistakes “. It made many many financial agenanda and administration that coordinates a clear political covenant “, said.

Miran hit the planting by encouraging financial and financial pressure on October 20, among a disaster 19th disaster.

“Powall was hard in politics and economics when they persisted to be large in finance on April 20, wrote to X in September.

One of his organized crops was to make members of the restrooms and branch leaders in the topic removal by the President of the will.

In his letter to Miran, Warren asked: “Do you believe the President with fire by -y (Feri) board officer?” He also promised him if he had comforted him if he removed the powerful responsibility of promoting powerful responsibility to advance the full work of success “.

Feeding is facing its powerful challenge to the 1980s, by visiting the costs of money. The fed seat contains you have protected bank authority More than our cash policy and dwelt to reside on political waste.

The 27-page page letter requested Miran to refer to the economic policy of the economic policy and economic policies, economic laws and impact of immigration.

Senator also shows concern for good Miran’s frictions with an opportunity to be attracted. I am a high environment expert in Hudson Bay Capital, Great Hedge Fund.

The white house and Miran did not answer requests for commenting.

Reporting with James Politi in Washington

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