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An unexpected thing is to spread the stars milky

New research A team in the center of Astrophysics in the center of Harvard shows that the great Magellanic cloud is a neighbor MilkyHundreds of thousand times the mass has hundreds of thousands of structures sun: Potential supermastive black hole.

The most protected theory of the galactic evolution, the supermassive black holes are found only in the largest galaxies such as the Milky Wild. So far, there was no reason to imagine that a small cluster can host one of a small cluster. X-ray telescopes or observers did not find a signature associated with black hole activities when training in small clouds like a large Magellanic cloud.

But then the stars of hypervelocity came. For about 20 years, astronomers have stained the stars that travel rapidly with enough acceleration to be removed from their galaxy. While a traditional star approaches 100 kilometers per second, the Hipervelocity star is 10 times faster. Experts seem to be “catapulted charming structure” with a superior gravitational structure under the mechanism of the hills of such stars, a double star system with a star, black hole and another.

Inside the Milky Way, there are hypervelocity stars that occur here. Research shows that Sagittarusi A *, accelerated by the supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy. However, at least 21 hidanelocity star found in a supermassive black hole, but can not be associated with internal activity. In the simulations of the team, it is acceptable to the stars, because of the great Magellanic cloud.

For the team he led by Jiwon Jesse Han, this is one of the first basic evidence to have a supermassive black hole in our neighboring dwarf. According to the initial calculations of the team, this black hole can be between 251,000 and 1 million solar masses. The average mass of the sun would be 600,000 times.

Research– Currently, it is in advance, but the goal is to map millions of stars to calculate millions of stars.

Of course, there may be other explanations for the phenomenon. The stars that fled from the galaxies can also remove from the superviso or other energetic mechanism, it is strong enough to throw them. The authors of the paper explains that it does not seem like such hyperverlocity stars from the Great MageLanic cloud.

Great MageMellanic cloud, Milky Way, Milky Way, other dwarf star groups, such as archer, carina or Draco, a milky galaxy. It is 163,000 light years from the ground and there is about 14,000 illuminated annual diameter. Believe astronomers, in the distant future – for about 2.4 billion years – Great Magellanic cloud and Milky Way and Milky Way, Andromeda will join a larger cluster with other larger structures like Andromeda Galaxy. Experts believe that the combination process will be slow and on a planetary scale, no problem.

This story originated first String in Spanish and has been translated from Spanish.

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