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Apple shareholders sang anti-dei offer

Apple shareholders rejected an anti-dei offer at the investor’s meeting on Tuesday.

The proposal was brought by a conservative group called National Public Policy Research Center (NPPR). Apple asked to end the DEI activity. The boards usually ask shareholders to reject the proposals of shareholders, and this was one of the proposals of such shareholders.

This proposal has earned national attention, because Apple’s recommendation against this is coming to eliminate or eliminate other technological companies, DEI programs. DEI, in the last year, the Trump Administration came under a social and legal fire that looks less comfortable than the building is less.

Meta Amazon has eliminated dei programs said to curb some effortsand Google has announced that the diversity has Hironli targets and feedback of internal dei programs.

However, CEO Tim Cook warned, “It may need to make some changes, such as the development of legal landscapes around these issues,” he said. Reuters reported.

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