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Apple Watch shipments increase in India

SMARTWATCH Carriage in India, as consumers walk away, first dipped for the first time in 2024 each year Cheap, unknown brands. Apple has increased by a broader trend, but increased by 2.4x for the year.

According to information The analytical company, India’s smartwatch supply landed up to 30% per annum in 2024. Slopen sales signs appeared last yearThe market was flooded with unknown brands. Trend turned into internal players by slowing down the tempo of innovation.

As a wider market injured, Apple Watch saw an increase of 141% in his shipping last year. This growth increased by the opposite point, in 2023, the company’s 57% decline.

The current analytical anshika Jain told Techcrunch, the Apple Watch, a better health concept, for smartphone integration and other features “Some experienced users gradually developed SmartWatches”.

“We expect this growing tend to continue in 2025,” he said.

The growth of Apple Watch shipments is adapted to the iPhone expanding the iPhone in the country. Apple appeared last year as one of the best five smartphone vendors in India, with a share of about 10% in Q4.

However, Apple’s clock growth has eventually affected its total share Last year, 35 million smartwatch were sent to IndiaAccording to IDC. The opposite-point that does not necessarily share the billing figures, the Apple clock in 2024 said that India was about 2% of the smartwatch market.

The success of the Apple Watch, the total premium in India (above $ 230) rose by an increase of 147%. The series was the best model after the 10th serial series. Apple watched 50% of the general Premium SmartWatch segment in the country at each point.

Samsung and OnePlus, other best players in the premium segment last year were with 4% and 1% market share, respectively.

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