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Quantum Machines increase $ 170 million, says that all quantum computing companies work with more than half

Quantum calculation remains a holy grail in the world of technology, but in the last few months, investors bet on more promising beginnings in the space to make the concept of super effective particle and electronic calculation reality. In the latest development, Quantum machinesAn Israeli start, which is a quantum control solution to others in the field, won $ 170 million.

Sound-pastal, red dot capital partners and existing investors, this is one of the biggest for all capital series C RORU, the largest for the quantum computing company.

One reason of the round size is because the start of the beginning is the funnel. Dr. According to Itamar Sivan, the technology of quantum machines, all companies working on quantum computers and quantum computers, Dr. Itamar Sivan’s, CTO Dr. Jonathan Cohen and the Chief Engineer working on CEO’s quantum computers, which establishes its company Dr. Nissim Ofek.

“We are serving every category of each company in the field,” he said.

Quantum machine equipment can be best known by the traction with customers and Partners like nvidia To reduce errors in quantum computing studies – a critical role in a broader ecosystem like researchers, approaches super fast quantum computers that do not fall with high failure ratios.

However, the owners of Sivan, both non-quantum computers, but those who do not have the owners of quantum computers, but also investing in third-party vehicles and others use quantum machines to monitor their work.

Sivan will not disclose the evaluation of the beginning, but it confirmed that he was “significantly raised” compared to previous periods. For another context, and Others First, first heard this year, the cost was kept at $ 100 million. Fundraise was canceled at the event.

Quantum computing made a people’s forecast that NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang still said, “quantum machines, Google and others.” Quantum was an expression of the sender of the reserves.

After that, we have seen several positive development that can lead to a different schedule. Sundar Pichai, the General Director General of Google, opened a quantum chip Willow In December – at the beginning of this month gossip “Useful” was a real time for quantum computers for five to 10 years.

Microsoft, followed together last week assistant Majora particle is called “a new substance a situation”, its quantum processor using things described as “. There are some raised questions Microsoft is still an important development about the claims due to lack of evidence, but stressing the work done.

Meanwhile, a number of beginnings increased great tours. We have included Alice & Bob In France increases $ 104 million and Google’s support Moan In the debt round, increase $ 230 million in the debt.

There are question marks on the best approaches in the space – those who work in space are in several different theoretical trajectories, but it is effective in Sivan: All these approaches are agnostically a mediator to reduce noise.

This is a reason for a reason for quantum machines, which is also a director Rotem Shacham in PSG.

“In the last few years, the pace of technological advances in quantum calculation increased significantly,” he said. “We are approaching to finish the user’s values. We do not like to invest in decades. But there is already a market with quantum machines.”

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