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The back doors behind ‘is a bad idea

Open free editor’s words

Demographic governments should “lie down” to give online details and communication? UK government has used new legal energy to order Apple The AppPriTile using SUGGESTED PRIVILEGES IN THE TRAINING PRIVILEGE OF TRUE LIFE. Apple responded with from Britain as It is very secure Cloud warehouse – which uses the final stop text means and unable to access data.

Britain is not one. Sweden government wants to be sweden apps such as a sign with whatsapp to open a Such a rear house. The sign is threatened to quit Sweden if this becomes a rule. Many places in large conflict in between Western governments’ sound desire to Police pillows such as terrorism and child abuse in the Internet, and withdrawing gold in authorities now to protect the user’s secret to the message app and a cloud.

Both cases produce war war when FBI tried to force apple To help access the iPhone used by terrorists to shoot the FBI door, which causes my actors and use it to destroy some phones. At the end of the fact unlocked the call for FBI, to end the background.

British and Swedish customs are very widespread. Applying its pillow law – they are snoooper with “UK’s local office provided notice that requires an apple Allowing the British Activity, armed with court order, to tap backwards and other cloud data, anywhere in the world.

But the inconvenience below can be the same. As millions of people send or maintain web data data say, they say, finances or their lives, data protection is important. Honoe stops last, where one user is not a service provider to provide the password, is the best protection.

Most of the Cyber ​​Security Experts cannot be given a chance without making Bacrees in the danger, including the exhausting beans, which may be overwhelmed. Something like this has already happened. With the attack called “salt and nakedness” Top politicians.

In UK, about 238 public groups, we are companies and cyber safety scholars are called government to save Its Apple’s Need, says it “puts the risk” to the safety and the intelligence of millions “. Using the same germs asked the US Retine RetiSrd asked FuysSord Gaulss, the Old State Director, to order that UK cancel its order – and thinking about reducing UK intelligence does not share if anymore.

This does not doubt them. No one wishes for terrorists and people who abuse children to know how to know them. Some UK security officials left me secret protective can sit By “unique legal achievement”, and argues for assessment companies could find a popular host. Techts professionalist

But almost all major tech tech tech companies with practical requests of appropriate rules unrelated to “back doors” typically; The Recent Apple’s latest Apple Transparency report showing compatible with 93 percent of emergency requests. If the solution is made to make it easier for this to make this safely occur in the last encryility of the last end, the CO-must extend to this area. However, governments are now supposed to take this type of protection as usual. Efforts in the minor discontrounte police should not minimize the security and authority of legal obedience.

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