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The camera swallowed by sharks gives the internal view of its mouth

A shocking video shows what the dam often sees during its last moments after being swallowed by a shark in a “jaw” encounter.

The video was captured on February 9 by the diver Andrea Ramos Nascimento during a shark that feeds on the Freeport coast in the Bahamas, according to Storyful News.

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From inside the mouth of a tiger shark

A view of three divers from inside the mouth of a tiger shark. (Andrea Ramos Nascimento/Peter Strom/Aloha Divers Okinawa and Epic Diving through Storyful)

As one of the divers with Nascimento opened a fish box to launch several tiger sharks, one of them broke the diver holding a camera.

The shark continued to bite and finally partially swallowed the camera in his mouth. The diver tried to move him away when the video shows the interior of the The mouth of the creature.

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The interior of the mouth of a shark

A view of the mouth of a tiger shark from the inside. (Andrea Ramos Nascimento/Peter Strom/Aloha Divers Okinawa and Epic Diving through Storyful)

At one point, the camera shows the divers outside while the shark continues to bit. Eventually spit the camera, most likely realizing that it was not edible.

Tigres sharks are some of the largest sharks, with some that grow up to 18 feet long, According to the Florida Museum.

A Tigre Shark closely with a camera

A tiger shark seen closely through a underwater chamber. (Andrea Ramos Nascimento/Peter Strom/Aloha Divers Okinawa and Epic Diving through Storyful)

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“Tigers sharks, bull sharks and white sharks are commonly known as ‘the three greats’ for their participation in shark attacks,” says the museum’s website.

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