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The London’s exchange is left by its parent

Open free editor’s words

The London London exchange was shot with many bad news last week when Glencore, mining group, said to be assumed To run its original list in another exchange to search high quality. Glencore can enter companies such as Shutter and construction materials.

The exchange can comfort one item: When it is going to lose a very large, most important company in the past ten years from the target to take a goal To insert in the European land industry: London Stock exchange team.

Damage beams between London’s London exchange and its parent are amazing. The The flow of the odds For what the first will not rise in a steady rising of the rear financial quality. A simple explanation: Share the listing and selling only 3 percent of the LSEG tax due to not having them.

LSEG change from the global attachment for global safety and cancellation, difficult to be guilty as a security policy. By 2016, it agreed to combine the equivalent of a dedusche b1r, but this was closed by the EU. It is more important than the latest now, and it has a Eurote Sisterrdam market and Paris ads.

But the story of the LSEG financial financial funds and identity problem. The team is no longer thinking of moving to a New York corpse, but it may be very important if it has done, because of its world and data businesses. Another project with heavy history in the same position in the same financial position can be tempted to change its name or selling an invalid business.

Like things that stand, exchange and Lseg are attached to a strange relationship. Lseg finds a gun in a business that starts in the 17th century, when the exchange that goes through a unprotected bids team. But it would be easier for if their opportunity for financial go through.

This week will hear the LSEG response of David Schwimmer, of great Since 2018produces its 2024 results. His foretold queen Xavier began Change But Schwimmer, one of the gold gold of the gods, is superior to it. He boarded its sharp plastic, $ 27bn CONSIDERATION in 2019 of fiscal data provider repeat.

Lseg has become a powerful shooting treatment below the bloomberg under its brand, helped Alliance and Microsoft. The photo also grants a Bible training of 51 accidents in the business markets, the increased amount of money. It is unaware than distance than London cover, but has a higher income.

There is a broader lesson for the package and traders often to coordinate the highest level of poverty operations. LC, which is another obligation of the greatest bondage worldwide, are Lseg’s furniture is very important. While the list of equal items get further attention, the bond business and development can be trusted quietly.

Lseg antitheches are hot, with a lot of money than equal. The river market value is low, but in steps such as a new number of tactful, still strikes London. Stéphane Boujna, the main person, determined last month Losing from the list in New York was “the problem in London.

Boujnah would love lseg clearly lseg to lose patience on London London server to sell it. That was not inevitable, given the importance of London exchange as a financial center, no matter how much LSEG tax. The lseg is in a very good position to buy Eurotexx, but that can develop matters and Europeans in Europe.

The fact is that lseg done well to rub old stock stock stock samily may not be highlighted by those with an entry. related to a business to build or buy.

But the exchange of London and its parent should not leave it too far away. Even if it is more important in the financial lseg with its first asset there is a problem, exchange is always a kind of heart.

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