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YouTube declared When helping creators help users make changes to the average roll ads to improve image experience for users.
Starting from May 12, the instances that can be a transitional platform, uninterrupted or leaving the video, the less advertisement in the middle of a sentence or movement sequence intends to advertise less ads. Instead, videos such as PAUSS and transitions will show more average roll ads at the natural break points.
YouTube will update the old videos loaded before February 24, automatically includes adverbing nests in natural break points. The Creators prefer to manage their ads by hand, they can give up in YouTube studio. However, videos with interval advertising slots can earn less income after May 12.
The company notes that the creators who manually placed the average roll ads should take into account the interruption of their ads for the audience. To help this, YouTube presents a new feature that will show the creators at a time with a natural pause at a time with a natural break at a time.
In addition, YouTube is encouraging creators with manual secondary roll ads, allows you to automatically identify other places to display ads to automatically allow a balanced advertising experience.
YouTube, both automatic average roll ads and manual-medium rolls of creators who have only hand-placed slots in the hand, they saw that the average 5% increase in 5% of Youtube advertising revenues.
“Our goal with these features is to provide you with more information and new choices,” youtube, is called on a help page who speaks creators. “You still still manage the places where you want the middle roll ads in your videos and these ads.”
YouTube notes will help the interruptions reduce ads to the creators to keep more audience in their videos.