Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

SSD25 Grand Prix and Opules Details

Our Spring Slim Down Challenge (SSD) It is 8 week challenge March 10, 2025.

Weekly gifts

We know that it can be difficult to be consistent, so we can have weekly gifts, to show a boost to show and sweat the motivation every day!

Here is how our weekly gifts enter:

  1. Comment on our Monday posts @Teamlsf IG, in our secret FB or YT and answer the answer!
  2. Invitation “Email or Text Aiga Aiga to let us know your rise this week!”
  3. Continue to ask the message to win.
  4. We will choose a winner once a week and we will send messages directly.

Award: You will win: LSF feed, LSF HAPPY HAT, LSF Yoga Mat, LSF store gift card, and more!

Grand Prix

$ 2,000 + value!

Here’s how to win:

  1. We are committed to physical advances + members of the group, so be sure to label @Teamlsf and @lovesweatfitness In all your messages + LSF contacts other messages!

  2. Before you take the SSD symbol located in SSD playbook!

  3. For the best results Slim Nutrition Plan + CHALLENGE TRAININGS DAYS IN ME Move app

We cannot do ours Spring Slim Challenge below With you!

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