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Darca ‘Great Bio-Mechanical Space Structures’ wants your thoughts

Hey, random question, but do you have ideas for large-scale, novel biomechanical structures that can be grown in the micronavnia you sit? Simply asking for the Protection Advanced Research Project Agency (Darpa) Application for information (RFI) this week “Great Bio-Mechanical Space Structures” is looking for public access in the plan.

Darpa regularly dabbles While trying to convert science fiction, he says “unprecedented size” biological structures are interested in exploring ways of “not enlarged” – 500 meters are up to 500 meters or larger and can be used to build infrastructure in space. The agency hopes to develop a dialog “will be able to deploy biology as a complementary component of biology in the infrastructure of the Space Parliament.”

To get your Gears return (I believe in a bio-mechanical structure to brain gears), Darpa offered a couple of ideas of what he has taken into account for “biological producable and collected structures.” They have a space elevator, orbital debris, large-scale intererrometers (electromagnetic intervention to measure the waves), tetras (measure waves to measure waves) and have the required adhesive pathive patch materials.

To give a better idea of ​​what Darpa thinks that it seems, the agency said it was worth imagining the tent as an analogy. “Taking into account the structural material of the tent poles, biological growth mechanisms are intended to be a ‘cover’. When the tent is in a certain function, when it is in the case of the relevant electronics.” Surely this cleans everything for you?

Now, perhaps this thing makes you a lovecraftian vibes or make something you can see if you can see the mind of John carpenter. But it is probably a fear and terror that we could not control the terror and terror, we cannot manage, but do not want anything that they do not show that, but let’s assume that they think. According to me, it sounds more like that in Darpa really like Megalopolis and want to do MegalonThe bio-adaptive building material that the man wants to use to create a utopia of the driver.

As the agency planned to hold a seminar in the area where the investigation will discuss to establish large bio-mechanical spacecraft, we will take a clear idea of ​​what Darpa is in April. If you have a natural growing material that can do the door that can do not turn, order a flight to San Francisco, so you can show what you get in Darpa.

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