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Haters Daisy Ridley are idiots who don’t know how movies work

According to Chris Snellgrove
| Published

Most Star Wars fans agree that the continuation of the trilogy is one big pile of Bantha Podoo, but too many people eventually accuse the wrong person for failing these films. From the very beginning, platforms such as YouTube have been filled with Weirdos who blame Daisy Ridley, as if she had some real creative control of her character or the arch of these films. But as director Martin Campbell recently emphasized, Daisy Ridley is fantastic The actor and his kind words are a reminder that Hardcore Rey Haters just don’t know how movies work.

Shut up, Daisy ridley hateful

If you don’t know it yet, Campbell is a veteran action film director who recently directed Ridley Cleaner. In a recent interview, the director appreciated how much her performance was in the film, emphasized a particular scene, and noted how “convincing” was and how it requires a good actress to do it. ” While reading his kind words about Daisy Ridley“I couldn’t help, but I was thinking about how much her hatred did not understand some simple truths: namely that even the best actors are just as good as the script and the director allow them to be.

What does it mean in the context of the infamous Star Wars trilogy? Many critics of Ridley have begun as a criticism of her Rey character, and the poisoned fans claimed that he was the character of Mary Sue, who was madly overwhelmed and has more armor than the Jabba, which Hutt has back. Now we can argue about whether the character Daisy Ridley was as bad as they say hate, but it is important to recognize something essential here: Did not write a script.

It’s one thing to hate the character, but it’s another thing to hate an actor who revives this character. In order to appreciate how stupid the greatest hate of Daisy Ridley, one may not look for anything but Mark Hamill Luke Skywalker The character has been shown in The last Jedi. Many fans openly hated that this hero of the original trilogy was now an eccentric burnout that left the rescue of the galaxy, and even Hamill himself took the exception of this new direction for his character.

However, Mark HamillUnlike Daisa Ridley, she had no army of haters online waiting for him to wait for him to change in Luke. This is because at the most basic level fans realized that while Hamill is a great actor, he was limited by a script and towards the direction Rian Johnson. If Luke Skywalker is written terribly, then no one, nor Hamill himself, can save this beloved character.

So why does Daisy Ridley think she has somehow destroyed the ongoing trilogy? It is possible (quite likely) that most of this hatred was supported by Misogyn of Idiotic YouTubers, whose whole Schtick accuses women for everything they hate about movies and television. It is also possible that this younger generation of film fans does not have a real idea of ​​how films are produced, resulting in accusing actors who did not have creative control of their characters or charts.

If you are one of the hate of Daisy Ridley, here is a challenge: go to see her show in movies without a star like as Murder on Orient Express, Daughter Marsh Kingand Cleaner. You will probably be pleasantly surprised at how great it plays in the films without waste scripts, which were designed primarily for the sale of toys. With a little luck, Ridley’s career was not permanently affected, and playing in the continuation of the trilogy is not the first step on the dark path that will forever control her fate.

Source: Cbr

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