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Musk and Trump’s Fort Knox trip about Bitcoin

Can a president earn money from thin weather? On paper, yes.

Donald Trump and Elon Musk lately talking about Fort Knox, where the American preserves official gold reserves. Both check it out and make sure gold is there, that the site will take a trip to the site soon. According to Trump and Musk, they want to make sure no one steals gold. The reality behind the scheme may be something stupid and more dangerous: they know that gold will be there and use to create a bitcoin reserve.

The idea that Fort Knox is unfilled, a good worn is the Facebook conspiracy theory. Trump and Musk loves them. On February 24, French President Emmanuel met with Macron, the Mestek was started in the impossible gold. “We really go to Ft Knox to see if gold is really going to Ft Knox. Because someone stole gold. Tone gold” Trump said during the view. Musk places in X in the X for the past few days and in the last day.

There are probably gold. There are many of this and the chances of whom someone grew without someone’s difference. Untrust Personnel, previously entered the cash registers to check the gold three times. President Franklin D. Roosevelt went in 1943. The Congress went with a group of journalists in 1974. Holding the golden sticks, there are pictures of couples as stupid and to sign their names on the wall.

However, the most instructive here is the 1943 Rooselvet and can keep the key to jumping in the Kingdom of America’s gold. Which would be clear, to be very stupid. This issue was width and depth Records about crises by Nathan Tankus on the blog. To hear tankus, Fort Knox is a trip “A scam built in accounting Gimmick wrapped in Bullshit

This is about the president who made money from thin air. The President has the authority to determine the price of America’s gold. Roosevelt did this after the American gold standard in 1934. At that time, the United States said that the price of gold was $ 20.67 worth of fine. Roosevelt said that it was worth $ 35 and therefore. Created $ 2.819,000,000. This was a plot that keeps the book, but the one that allows him to invest in the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. About one billion sat in these books and was used to prevent the country’s first debt crisis in 1953.

When Trump and Musk visited Fort Knox, they will find 5,000 tons of gold sitting in gold bars. Gold that the United States currently is worth $ 42. Gold worth $ 2,800 in the open market. With a hand wave, Trump can change The price of the US gold and hundreds of billions of dollars in the US Treasury has entered the balance sheet. He has authority; The Supreme Court says. Roosevelt caused a constitutional crisis when the price of gold ended in the 1930s. Scotus ruled in his favor in Perry in the United States. Trump can be issued by precedent.

And what do you do with $ 800 billion dollars? Get Bitcoin, of course. There is an idea of ​​using cash to change the price of gold and start strategic bitcoin reserve was around It’s been a while. Senate Cynthia Lummis (R-wy) presented a bill In the summer of last year, the Congress called on the innovation, technology and competitiveness of the growing investment with the law of the Second FUIT (BITCOIN).

Lummis’ ACT, Treasury, Gold will give new gold certificates based on the current market price and then used these certificates to get Bitcoins. Could this actually be? Possible. We live in odd, stupid and unprecedented times. The President said he planned to buy the richest man in the world by visiting Fort Knox. It is possible that when it reaches it, they will say that gold has not yet disappeared. They can say that there is more than what they expect.

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