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We our leaders and Ukraine to communicate and fight conflict with Russia

The US Donald Trump’s President will meet with his Palonian Ukraines on Friday to Friday can open up a Ukrainian War.

The covenant would organize the united US-Ukraine Fund “which would receive 50 of all income from” to complete natural “equipment” of natural resources.

The text is limited to US security assures that Zelenkyy wanted the presence of American workers and economic interests in Ureine.

The Taukrainian employees were able to persuade the US to respect some of its many posts, including its $ 500bn’s right.

Zelenskyy will use his visit to try to keep the seat in the discussion after the blind kyiv by starting specific languages ​​by eliminating conflict by eliminating conflict by eliminating conflict by eliminating conflict by eliminating conflicts.

Ukrainian president said you would say that Kyiv couldn’t talk to each other.

His relationship with Trump was broken again when the US President called him “the manufacturer” in this month. However, when asked in his statement with his prime ministerial meeting, TRIMP said: “Have I said so?”

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