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HackerPulse, Engineering Buttlenecks wants to help businesses

For years, the beginnings have tried to improve the processes of enterprises, to eliminate the work of subtlety, identifying and identifying the time loss of managers and teams and to help identify and assist.

This is the latest to join KoHort HackerpulseThey set up a platform on a platform, which informs the enterprises on the fact that the engineering teams do, and productivity can be placed swelling and solve the fruit.

San Francisco-based company, like GITHUB, Gitlab and Bitbucket, in addition to instruments such as income markers or user analysts, connect to a dashboard using manufacturer. HackerPulse brings together all this information to help the team leaders see the time and how to spend their time in engineering groups. The beginning can help its instrument, better build engineering groups for special projects.

HackerPulse’s co-founder and CEO, Gleb Braverman (in the middle), not to be used to track how much the code line of an engineer is not used – so leaders can correct headlines. Instead, it argues, the objectives are to help managers identify ways to better work.

“It is very difficult to understand what the engineering group is doing and where their time is directed.” “If engineers and teams spend a lot of time in meetings, or in fact, there are times when issues are created.

Braverman said the engineer was kind, because the platform was originally designed as a product to watch their progress, but then was subjected to B2B in connection with the enterprise request.

HackerPulse is the second beginning of Braverman. A Podcast Bill Gurley, a Podcast Bill Gurley, which took place in Benchmark Capital, said he surprised that he did not want to create a rating system for employees.

Braverman began to think about this idea and Alberto Scherb, an old angel investor in his first work, called the tradition as a “Snapchat for the voice” called an ex-an angel investor. Soon, Braverman began to cod and began the product in July 2024.

This fleeing product received benefits to 20,000 users and after receiving an opinion from customers and their angel investors, Braverman realized that technology could potentially use technology. “We quickly realized that there is a lot of demand for such solutions,” he said.

Currently, HackerPulse target companies with mass engineering groups and is currently in telecom, production and logistics – other industries in technological entity. From the beginning, a handful of enterprise clients, which are present, coverflex and discoveries since then.

The demand is strong, the brave Braverman says, behind it, HackerPulse, recently increased by $ 1.5 million in the seed tour led by the Altalr capital. The company also lifted the capital from numerous angel investors, which is full of Uber, Cloudfare and Google, which has experience in market, price strategies, price strategies and more areas.

Of course, this is not a new problem where companies are trying to resolve. JellyfishTo do something similar to one, more than $ 110 million in the enterprise financing. Some companies also build their own internal means.

Again, HackerPulse thinks that he is a better choice for engineers: “We are different from them, as we are looking for more and how the teams work, and in terms of proposing reporting or reporting tools, we are trying to optimize the workplace in the teams,” he said.

After closing this financing tour, the company’s main goal is to ride a sales and develop more product features below the line.

“We want to reach a number of times we lose weight before a series of series,” he said. “Currently, we are specifically focused on expanding our customer base, to reach the point where we are comfortable in moving from people who use the product and move in the next league.”

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