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Oil prices fall after the OPC + confirm that it will increase the compressious production

Open free editor’s words

The OPPC + said it would continue with a plan to increase oil production since October, by unexpected moving by the box that sent bad prices.

Saudi Arabia and seven other members of OPEC + The group was late to reduce the purpose of the invisible production multiplication and the traders who expected to resubmit.

But the opec + is said about a montha would have agreed to continue “a gedual and flexive reference” of oil dishes in a period of 18 years.

Brent price has fallen in two percent to $ 72 barrel, which is the lowest level, such as supplier’s increase in increasing supplies.

Anxiety about the potential influence of US fees Economic activity They had already been a weighing prices, lower than 10 percent from stage this year of $ 82 barrel in January.

The US Donald Trump’s President Guaranteed US Monday we would Avoid 25 charges with goods from Canada and Mexico from midnight at night on Tuesday.

It is two book screaming at the same time, tumd fees, have the power to stop, investigation firm. “It is not surprising that this makes a sign of selling to traders.”

Trump called OPC + to push oil prices during the language in January from the grass councils.

The OPC + had planned to start gambling in September but delayed design plan three times.

Eight countries will increase the offer since April is Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iraq, United Arab Emiraitn, Algeria and Oman.

All other existing appliances can always exist in the OPC + said.

This group was added or returned to be restored to market position. “” “” “” “” “” “Will allow the group to continue supporting oil stability”.

Three different parts of the reports mean that the OPEC’S, the Opec + are still causing those who want to be as part of the united, representing 6 percent of the world’s oil.

Saudi Arabia has damaged most of the future Curses so far, reduces its submission in 2MN B / D over the past two years.

The disease is still tension with us, who was wound and devastating riyadh of Ukraine that presented prices.

Financial Times reported in the September for several years, Saudi officials were ready bring back the rear offereven if it referred to a long price period.

Amrita Sen, the captain of researching units, meant that there was an old age space from the end of the year.

“The team can choose to pause then,” she added.

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