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Rare manual copy of the famous Shakespeare’s sonnet in the Oxford Library

While conducting research in the Bodleian Library of Oxford University, English professor Leah Veronese found a surprising poem in the 17th century text collection. The first stans of the poem seemed unavailable, but the audience will be familiar with the most English specialty. This is the rare, undocumented copy of one of the most popular sonnets of Shakespeare.

Sonnet is a handwritten copy of a music adaptation of Sonnet 116, and this is only second manuscripve of Sonnet 116. Veronese, Elias Ashmole (1617-1692), the founder of Oxford’s Ashmolean Arts and Archeology and Archaeology and the founder of the Archeology and the manuscript of the various texts developed by a faithful royalist. As a learn Published on February 3 English researchIn the 13th century in the conformity and unique context of Sonnet, it sheds light into the main slice of English history.

“When I removed the manuscript, the poem hit me as a single version of Sonnet 116,” Veronese, a member of the English faculty of Oxford University, explained at a university statement. When checking the manuscript catalog (the description of the manuscript, including the content), as “stability in love”, was described as a poetry – but not talking about Shakespeare. “

In the 19th century of a person named William Henry Black, a person entitled “He” was read by the poem “,” Verondese, wrote in the study. The two versions of the sonnet in its defense are completely different.

For example, the recent version begins as follows:

Himself the wrong mistake seizes all these minds
Calls this love with a false appeal
Changes when they find the changes

Rather, Shakespeare Original version Reads:

Let me come to the marriage of real minds
To accept sensitivity; Love is not love
Changes when changed

“I think that in the first line, ‘I think’ the combination of the wrong mistake can be a reason for the lack of Shakespeare in the description of the original catalog, and this poem could not be accepted as a copy of Sonnet’s sonnet,” Veronese said.

“This interesting discovery, Shakespeare and his early admission, did not exhaust centuries archives for centuries,” he said. “I do not come to me marriage of true minds’ Now is one of the most popular sonnets of Shakespeare, but it does not seem very popular during his time.” Smith was not involved in the case.

The recently discovered version, 17th century English song examination Henry Lawes is a hand-written copy of a match in music. In addition to a different start, there are different ends and additional lines of adaptation. According to the research, additional lines are most likely to serve to make the song longer. However, Veronese claims that the different version may be politically motivated.

From 1642 to 1651 Britain Three Civil War Among King Charles I and the Assembly. As a result, in 1649, Charles I won 1649 and the son of Charlles ruled 11 years ago, as the king was king. He banned things like turbulent decades, destructive life loss, as well as some strange legislation Charm And singing to the public.

The chaos of this period is reflected in the collection of a residential poem and a residential collection of the Royalist poem and prohibited Christmas Carols, along with the song version of Sonnet 116. Self, adapted SonNet 116 may seem indefinite, but in the historical context Veronese interpreted it as a call for religious and political loyalty.

“In the context of the collection of plump, Sonnet’s laws read as a political love-song in the definition of royalist political stability during the 1996s in political confusion,” he said.

Thus Love is not with short clocks and weeks-NOnets can be!

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