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All cancer patients do not need chemistry. Ataraxis AI collected $ 20 million to correct this.

Artificial intelligence is a great tendency in the care of cancer and mainly focuses on the detection of cancer at the earliest stage. This gives you a lot of meaning, considering that cancer is less deadly.

However, less other-based questions: if anyone cancer is an aggressive treatment like chemotherapy? This problem is trying to resolve AtaRaxis AI.

New York Based Starting AI is aimed at using only one patient whether cancer and cancer results clearly predict that the results appear in 5-10 years. If there is only a small chance of cancer, Chemo can save a lot of money by avoiding the infamous side effects of treatment.

AtaRaxis AI, now the first commercial tests, for breast cancer, tell us oncologists, his co-founder Jean Witowski Techcrunch. Starting and expanding other cancer types, 20.4 million dollar series, this reported to TechCrunch.

Round Thiel bio, the founders’ Foundation, floating point, Bertelsmann and the existing investors were headed by AIX enterprises and open enterprises. Ataraxis appeared Last year, in the first year with the 4 million dollar seed round.

AtaRaxis, Focusing on the AI, was established together by Witowski and Krzysztof Geras, a associate professor in the New Medical School.

AtaRaxis’ Tech is equipped with an AI model that produces information from high resolution images of cancer cells. Witowski, the model studies thousands of patients over hundreds of millions of real images. A recent study showed that Ataraxis’s technology was 30% more accurate than the current standard of care for the Ataraxis and breast cancer.

Long-term, Ataraxis has great ambitions. This requires the effects of their tests to at least half of the new cancer until 2030. It also looks like a Border AI company that builds its models. METTAND Head AI Alimi Yann Lecun As AI consultant.

“I think that AtaRaxis is an AI border laboratory, but what is important for health applications, but we try to establish for health practices,” Witowski said. “Because most of these problems require many novel technology.”

AI Boom caused a hurry to start a start for the start of the cancer. Waltens Lab Raised $ 22 million For example, in May 2024 to help patients understand treatment plans. Like Manas ai, there is a Bevvili of AI-Powered Drug Discovery Firms in the Cancer Space Raised $ 24.6 million in January 2025 And Linkedin was co-authored by the co-founder Reid Hoffman.

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