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DOGE’s $ 1 Federal Spending Limit is directly outside Twitter PlayBook

Katie Drummond: Right. Fast and break as we say a lot of string in the last few months. When you come back, we will take a short break, what you need to do to read on the wire today.

Back to Belly. I am Director of Katie Drummond, Wired Global Editorial. I join the Wired Work and Industry Director Zoë Schiffer. Now, before leaving you, they said they had to read our audience, they should read our hearers, but in this episode today should read on

Zoë Schiffer: Ok. I wish I had a nice, joyful, invigorating story to talk to you, but I have another punishment and dark story and this

Katie Drummond: Aw-shucks.

Zoë Schiffer: I know. This is the freelancer for us by Caroline Haskins, in fact, just announced that it just joined the desktop. So exciting. It is incredible. So good. I was very excited. Yesterday, the FDA wrote a piece of trump and especially the eches, so another management that lived a strong budget and personnel cuts is now at risk. And dozens of perfecective companies took it from dozens of secure documents.

Katie Drummond: Thus, between these credit cards and Emily’s credit card, and the fact that Emily expresses the federal agencies, the federal agencies seem to have seen places here to stop here.

Zoë Schiffer: Yes. I want to say that it is interesting because drug companies, medicinal companies also say “do not approve our FDA medications, and therefore these drugs cannot be marketed.” They say it moves so slow with the design of this agency, because talking about shares and drugs and drugs, very high. And so the personnel reduction, budget cutting. The concern is that this should be grinding until it stop. And you are already not approved or often a drug, energy and resources, a drug that will not be confirmed by FDA, which is a drug that has continued to see this and more, we will see this and more, you will see this and more. And it really has a serious effect for people who need new treatment.

Katie Drummond: Zoë, Thank you for the joy you brought today. Thank you for joining me. Indeed, we are grateful for charming items and report and the report of the team.

Zoë Schiffer: Thank you very much for having me.

Katie Drummond: This is the show for today. We will be attached to all the stories we speak today in the show logs. Make sure you check your episode Thursday BellySilicone valley is everything about the natalist movement. If you like what you have heard today, please rate our show and choose your choice in your choice. If you want to contact any of us for questions, comments or suggestions please write to us

Macro voting in Amar DAL, mixed this episode. Jake Lummus is our studio engineer. Jordan Bell is the executive producer, Condé Nast’s global sound head Chris Bannon. And I Katie Drummond, Wired Global Editorial Director.


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