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The new ‘AI mode’ users of Google search allow users to ask multiple-part questions

Google starts an experimental feature of a new “AI mode” looking at the Popular AI and Openai’s Chatgpt search. Tech Giant Wednesday New Mode is designed to use many parts of the complex, multi-part questions and followers to dig deeper on a topic directly on a topic directly on a topic directly within the search.

AI mode Google One EU spreads to Premium subscribers and can be obtained through Search laboratoriesGoogle’s experimental arm.

The feature uses a special version Twins 2.0 Thanks to advanced justification, thinking and multimodal capabilities, it is especially useful for questions that need further intelligence and comparison.

For example, you can ask: “What is the difference in sleep tracking features with a smart ring, smartwatch and tracking mat?”

The AI ​​regime can then compare the information to the articles that each product offers in addition to the links. You can then ask a question as follows: “What happens in your heart rate during a deep sleep?” To continue your search.

Photo credits:Google

Google would receive numerous queries to compare detailed options in the past or to explore a new concept through traditional searches.

You can access the contents of the website with AI mode, but also click on real-time sources such as knowledge schedule, real world information and shopping data for billions of products.

“Testdə gördüyümüz insanlar, ənənəvi axtarışın sorğularının təxminən iki dəfə çox olan suallar verir və bunlar da izləyirlər və bunlar da bir-birinin dörddə birinin təxminən dörddə birində suallar verərək,” Robby Stein, “Google axtarışında məhsulu techCrunch-da bildiriblər. “Və bu, həqiqətən, daha çox suallara, daha da irəli və irəli ehtiyacı olanlar, bu, Google axtarışı ilə daha çox iş görmək üçün geniş bir fürsət yaradır və bu, həqiqətən It’s what we are excited. “

Stein noted that as Google spreads AI ViewsThe results that show a data image at the top of the results page, they want users to further increase such effective response, so the company offers the company’s AI regime.

AI Mode works using a “survey fan” technique, which brings together many related searches along a multi-information source of multiple data sources.

Photo credits:Google

“The model really is really important to support and really matters through information that can be approved by the authenticity and is really important.” “Thus, it can be healthy as an example and the place where it is confident, it does not mean the best of the context of the information, and how confident it will not be confident. It will never be confident in the information. It will never make mistakes.

Since this is an early experience, Google notes that will continue to clarify the user’s experience and expand functionality. For example, the company plans to visualize more visual and surface information from a number of different sources such as the user-generated content. Google teaches the model to prioritize (for example, how, for example, how, for example,) to prioritize an answer (eg order tickets) or video.

Google One Premium subscribers can handle search laboratories and then enter the AI ​​mode by clicking the “AI mode” tab by entering a question in the search bar. Or, they can go directly to to access the feature. Mobile, open Google App and tap the “AI mode” mark at the bottom of the search bar on the home screen.

As part of today’s announcement, AI started in the United States in the AI, AI, launched by AI, coding, advanced mathematics and multimodal questions shared more questions. Moreover, Google has not been included in access to the general views of the AI ​​and the feature has also announced the spread of teenage users.

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