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A CIA device in a sensitive complex apartment was on the list of US property of the GSA

Deleted list now features of hundreds of US government General Services (GSA) planned to sell, Springfield, Birciniya’nın Springfield city of Springfield, as well as in the Hidden Center Intelligence Agency (CIA).

The efforts of Hundreds of US government to sell the features of the GSA are part of the operation of the working efficiency of the Federal Government and Elon, the workforce led by the government’s efficiency (DOGE) department. Partly partly Young Engineers in advance practice in governmentResulted in Dog’s efforts The mass of force is reducedeffective Closing of completely independent institutionsand a Whting of court claims During the past six weeks, the DoGe is trying to ease the government’s upset.

GSA published on Tuesday from the list and pulled down the next day. 443 The full list of property was more than 120 features, including more than 120 silent, including, including GSA Holdings leased features and unprecedented 14 buildings in the inventory of leased properties.

Most of these features were labeled as “Ushak” or “Franconia” other than defined as “A, 6810”. According to public records, all is part of a large federal device, such as the GSA depot, which is known as a chain reservoir, located as a chain-link in the 6810 Loisdale Road, known as the Parr-Franconia Warehouse Complex.

The majority of buildings in the complex, which are dominated by the 1,005,602-square meter warehouse in the 1950s and a long period of 1.005.602-square meters used in the government supply depot, are expected to be used by various government agencies. In the middle of the complex, next to the warehouse, in the census of the transport security management headquarters and the CATTY corner, the CIA’s gardens are the long-term innamen.

“It is clear that no one did not investigate the long and well documented history of this property,” he said. “Normally a site like this, it won’t talk, but everyone knows everyone here, except people who put this list together to speak.”

The use of the building located on the driver of the 6801 Springfield Center, was not all able to be observed from the street level First reported In 2012, at the same time by the Washington Business Journal in an article named “Probably the worst protected secret in Springfield” also the existence of the CIA. As noted by the publication, the most specific description of its purpose can be found in a non-specialty book aimed at the 2011 Spy Agency FALLOUT: The true story of the secret war of CIA’s nuclear traffickingBy Catherine Collins and Douglas Frantz, who writeExplaining a secret operation: “The agency was two choices and locked specialists in a warehouse, in a starehouse in Virginia. There is a storage in a bargaining building, and penetrates the house and penetrates computer systems.)

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