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Actor X-files who scared David Duchovny by insisting on being naked

According to Chris Snellgrove
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Part of what makes Fox mulder so great X-files The character is that he is cool and collected; A kind of guy who can face extraterrestrials and sewer monsters and still get a few jokes before saving the day. Normally, David Duchovna is as well as Zen as his character Mulder, but in the end he was frightened by one of the biggest guest stars of the show. The star was Doug Hutchison (played by the outstretched villain Eugene Tooms), who insisted on playing his top scenes naked, a decision that scared the clergy when he had to act next to a naked man covered by Monster.

Tooms, naked horror

At the culmination of the “Tooms” episode, Mulder discovers and confronts the title villain, found by hiding, naked and covered by GOO, under the escalator of the shopping center. It was not the idea of ​​writers to make a villain naked, but Hutchison insisted on undressing the final scene, because it made more sense for his animal character. Like a showrunner Chris Carter Later he stressed that nudity caused this scene to be much more scary for spirituals: “David was very nervous about being in a small small limited space with a naked man.”

Most of this information, including Carter’s memories of the clergy, comes from special functions of DVDs X-files Set of season 1. There Showrunner revealed more ideas of Mulder’s acting idea of ​​negotiations along with Hutchison’s naked form. About “toomes” revealed that “the thing I felt the worst of it was David Duchovna In fact, he had to get into this elevator shaft with this naked, oily, dirty, sweaty man and must … pretend to be afraid, which was probably an easy part. ”

While Carter felt bad at first when she went through her star with this suffering, eventually decided that it was all for the best. The show thought that “a bit of discomfort … joined the scene” partly because the clergy “was very nervous about being in a small limited space with a naked man”. “But it was scared, touching, everything more real,” which means that spiritual fear was shared almost anyone who watched “tooms” and saw his (er) naked fear.

But while X-files The showrunner concluded that nudity was a great idea, a man who originally suggested that this idea ended up in regretting it. Actor Eugene Tooms Doug Hutchison got his wish to make a scene naked, but also got something else: cold. In his words: “I was sick as a dog and naked as Jaybird and I left this ice cold slime all around me.”

The actor continued and described his discomfort in unbearably visceral detail: “I literally held on everything and everything I was,” he said. “I had a thread in the most nonsensical places on my body,” he said before he came to the conclusion that the whole experience of shooting this scene “was really a bit rough.” While the guest star paints a very lively picture here, much of it is not quite surprising … After all, anyone who saw the character of the toom naked and covered by Goo can easily imagine how much the actor would hold almost every surface around him.

The whole story is very illuminating because it shows how many different creative factors go to make it great X-files episode. The character of the tooms would not be naked if the actor did not insist and Chris Carter did not sign on him; Meanwhile, the climactic scene would not be effective if the spirituals did not get properly frightened near the naked, mucosa -covered guys who play a functionally immortal cannibal. It all joined and increased the episode … But really, what else did you expect from an episode that turned the escalator into a deadly weapon?

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