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Lithuanian Sovereign VC Foundation is one step ahead in defense technology

Europe wakes up to the need to invest in defense and The European VCS is. However, in a painful history of Soviet occupation, Lithuania did not expect Russia to reach the third anniversary of Ukraine’s third anniversary From 5% to 6% of GDP to finance military expenses – and protection beginners.

Lithuanian Sovereign VC Foundation Coinvest Capital In this regard, it was a pioneer and still civilian cases are required. “If we were the first in the region, in March 2023, he is allowed to return defense investments,” he said. Victorija Trimbel, a managing partner since February 2023.

Unlike many Lithuanians, the trimbel is not highly tall. What is not in basketball potential, energy and cruelty, especially in defense technology to strengthen Europe’s security, come to promote for innovation.

Unmanned Defense Systems A vilnius-centered company aimed at optimizing the “UDS),” Coinvest’s largest investment in this domain, but it is not the only one. According to Trimbel, the evergreen fund has invested 6.8 million euros (about $ 7.37 million) to the beginnings of aerospace, defense and binary use since 2023.

Compared to Billion-dollar tours U.S. defense technology companies flood, the amount cannot be very impressive. If you do not consider this per capita, people often call on to make residents of 2.89 million people in this small Baltic country.

Joint creation is another concept that Lithuania often emphasizes a lot of time. As the name suggests, the early stage fund combines beginners with angels and other VCS. Adopted in a closed way for early stage deals Profit sharing structure This trimbel is especially passionate.

Lithuania, who has already been a member of the Lithuanian business Angel Network (Lithel), especially the market, especially the market, is eager to see more intelligent money flow. The collective value of the Lithuanian Startup Ecosystem Has increased 39 times in 10 yearsThere is still no effective exit as Skype is for Estonia.

Liquidity events like The secondary sale of Vintedin There was a drop-down effect, and Trimbel thinks that Coinvest could multiply the euro quickly. In a total of 18 months, when the interactive came out, the rules increased the return of angel investors from 9x to 34x. “I believe that this was one of the factors that facilitates the explosive growth of the business angel ecosystem,” said Trimbel.

Trimbel also champions in defense technology, the success of others in ensuring capital. Coinvest’s sole limited partner, Lithuanian National Development Bank, “BSV enterprises or other local VCs, including NATO Innovation Fund (NIF), provide basic capital injections to other local VCs note LinkedIn.

Similarly, Trimbel satisfied To see governments in Europe covering the trend of “investing in obstacles and protection to further support the competitiveness and durability of European countries.” “

Lithuania is a Lithuanian, often aware of in a deep person. “When I was 18, with my eyes and Russian tanks killed people. Thus, for us, this is not a textbook story,” said Trimbel, referring to 1991 January events He tried to deposit Lithuania’s independence movement of the Soviet troops.

The trauma of the Soviet rule of Soviet, which is in a deep way in the Lithuanian collective memory, is exturring in 1991. “Every family is one or the other thing: Occupation, deportation, murders. We do not need to teach the defense to invest,” Trimbel said.

Again, since the war in Ukraine, there is a sense of urgency and solidarity. 2025 edition RadarA public financial collection campaign was convened for Ukraine More than 5.6 million euros For drones and anti-drone systems, including UDS. Trimbel confirmed it, “Support Ukraine … and until the other day victory.”

Like almost all the literars, Russia, on February 24, 2022, Russia was where he was unique to the Eastern neighbor on February 24, 2022.

The cat or no cat, trimbel, probably returned to Lithuania or in a way. It shows that it is a good match for his first name, victoria or victory, a ruthless personality. His circle of girlfriends are in parade: “Instead, we go to the rod and to discuss a new bag or clothes or lipstick,” he said.

Of course, not everyone does not react in the same way – only a flight or freezer reflex knows. Immediately after the war, he was intended to take away the practical steps to remove others from this paralysis. One of them was to join voluntary initiatives who gained vapor in Lithuania.

The most emblematic organization in this area is the Non-Profit Lithuanian Riflemen Union supported by the Government (In favor of). Although it is dedicated to the defense and strengthening of Lithuania, his activity stretches out of military training: Coinvest and others organized it with Fire shield hackathonIt will return in 2025 for a third edition.

Commander of the Union, Lieutenant Colonel Linzelis (form) and retired lieutenant Valerijus Šerelis, the context described with the former escadron commander with special operations Uncathed country Sent to support NATO allies after 9/11.

LRU also contributed a civilian response during the Covid-19 pandemia, as a trimbel that invests for a while Helmet based ventilation prospect. “Covid was a good training to mobilize the community during the threat.” For him, this threat changed now, but it is very real.

But now, Trimbel takes care of areas other than defensive technology and is both coinvest. He spoke eagerly from the beginning of the portfolio Walk15 and her upcoming “Walking Labrador“Walking outside the dogs to encourage people to take more steps to make people more active.

However, as recently written LinkedIn Post“Another return will not be important if Ukraine does not receive enough support from allies and Europe.” As suggested by the name and personality, it will not trust efforts to prevent this outcome.

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