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How to convert cities to chest in chest? Make it difficult to drive there

A queen-based bicycle courier who went by Quentin’s monoise reflects the feelings of Berlanga, which makes the streets of New York suddenly feel more widely.

“These are now gridlock, because of the more elbow room,” Quentin, admitted that this part misses the traffic of this part, because the gridlock makes it more interesting. “Are avenues, especially through Midtown, you can simply look wide and say that there are very few cars on the road.”

However, this is not only the couriers who enjoyed the streets of less human trafficking in the city. Although the city’s bicycle share platform, Citibike shares driving data in January, it seems more people in the bicycle than in the past, more people in the past years.

“Even in this unusual cold winter, we see more people who have been biked for the price of a clogging,” said Ken Podziba, but the real excitement will come with hot air, because of a dramatic slider, which is a dramatic slider, and a dramatic sliding is a minor. “

What can be to the point of podie and when the temperature is put on? Manhattan suddenly appeared in Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Paris or Oslo, the second recently joined the trend in the center of cycling in the city design? And if the trip is skyroks, will the city will lead the legion of the bike driver and do more to work and do a safer tool for people to cross the city through a bike?

The first city that usually comes to the mind of a city bike center is amsterdam. Hundreds of miles are famous for bike-happy inhabitants of the cyclist almost cycling in bicycles, protected by bike strips, protected bike infrastructure and its bicycles.

However, what you do not know is a relatively recent event to direct the Dutch cycling infrastructure.

In 1971, after the war in a few decades, 3300 amsterdammer was killed in traffic accidents. Were four hundred children from them. After this bloody year, various propaganda groups protested the city’s leadership, a number of defender protests calling on the growing dependence and cyclists and pedestrians and pedestrians. Serendipiti, a few years later, during the oil crisis in the oil crisis in the oil crisis, the Dutch government closed several city streets in the Azerbaijani market and urges citizens to enjoy traffic roads.

In the 1980s, they began to provide only special bicycle routes, which are slowly, which are slowly, the cities of cities and cities on the Dutch. Today, the Netherlands considers cycling paths of about 30,000 miles from 12,900 square kilometers from the country, more than a quarter of all all visits in the country.

Lightweight traffic light road road bike vehicle vehicle car person backpack bag and street

Copenhagen, Denmark cyclists.Photo: Jörg Carstensen / Getty Images

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