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Microsoft seems to be working on 3D gaming experience for Copilot

Microsoft, according to a new business list, looks working on 3D gaming practices for Copilot, AI-powered chatBot platform.

ListThis week is looking for engines, especially engines, especially engines used in 3D showing engines, especially web browser based video games (babylon.js, three.Js and unity).

“Are you interested in making innovative solutions for the game and billions of users?” Reads the job description. “If you have a background or a strong passion in the game, this is the perfect opportunity for you!”

Microsoft has previously planned to play a larger part of the experience of copylot.

Microsoft in February a EU model, MuseThe company said he would soon strengthen short interactive games in Copilot. The game is a multiplayer battle arena game of the Ninja Theory, the game is reacting to the Muse, Game Physics and Game Management actions, the game is reacting to the supervisors of the game players prepared by the AI.

In the last May, Microsoft said it was We are trying to divide the Copilot into Video Gamesstarting from Minecraft. The company showed the copylog answering questions like “how I prepared the sword”. In the game, looking for an inventory of a player for the necessary materials, and how to get the key missing components instructions to the player.

Another proposal to increase signs reported to be Microsoft He was practicing with “Character-based” Copilot features. In January, Alexey Shabanov discovered two cartoon characters in Copilot to interact with users through sound effects and animations.

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