Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
The Russian Cryptocurrency Exchange allowed by the Government of India, the European Union and the US government, India’s extradition rights, TECHCRUNCH has just arrested a Russian Cryptocurrence exchange with government agencies.
At 4:00 pm (3:30 AM PT), Kerala State Police, Lithuania National Alekej Basciokov, Varkala’s coastal municipality Besciokov, was arrested by a state police arrested.
Police official, New Delhi’s Patiala House Court has decided to arrest against Besciokova, he said.
Last week, The United States has accused the Ministry of Justice Besciokov Transactions confirming operations related to North Korean-governmental hackers and other cybercriminals, Besciokov filled by criminal money to facilitate money laundering for Crypto exchange.
Police officer refused to say that the arrest did not arrest the indictment in the United States. However, the Indian government has asked the country’s extradition law, Besciokov is a clear sign that he did not want to crimes within India.
Shortly after the arrest, Besciokov was produced in front of the local court in the region and was taken to the Patiala Court on Monday, officially told Techcrunch.
Details on extradition costs were not immediately open. Krebons First reported Bescioko’s arrest on Tuesday.
GaranteX did not meet the request for comment on the arrest of Techcrunch’s Bescciokok.
DOJ, FBI and Secret Service did not meet immediate commentary request.
Do you plan to attend the Garantex office? Or do you have more information about the exchange? You can contact the signal securely with Lorenzo Franceschi-Bichierai, which is a unemployed device and network +1 917 257 1382 or telegram and keybase @lorenzofb or Email. You can also contact TechCrunch Secretary.
Bescıokok was accused of the Russian National Alexander Mira Serda, who made the foundation of each other in the United Arab Emirates.
According to the two managers, US prosecutors, “GaranteX’s business to promote the business to aggress to guarantee US institutions to refuse and disrupt US sanctions.”
US Secret Service last week Garantex seized sites Open it after the Department of Justice against the indictment Besciokov and Serda. The US government is also frozen more than $ 26 million cryptocurrency.
Since then, GaranteX has stopped operations and He invited customers to “face-to-face meetings” “Solve for blocked assets” after the Russian capital, Moscow.
Tuesday, TechCrunch, “Despite the unprecedented nature of the situation,” the situation intends to fully compensate for user assets blocked by the existing assets through a procedure similar to the rehabilitation procedure. “
“The rehabilitation procedure, except for Garantex’s activities, will be suspended after the completion of”, “press releases.