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WV approves Riley Gaines Law, as Top De demer says that the Republican Party “made the bathrooms great again”

First in Fox: The governor of Virginia Occidental, Patrick Morrisey, received the former swimmer from the University of Kentucky Riley Gaines In Charleston, Wednesday to sign the Riley Gaines Law, encoding the definitions of “man” and “woman” in state law.

The bill, sponsored by Senate President Randy Smith, R-Blackwater Falls and minority leader Mike Woelfel, D-Huntington, overwhelmingly approved in the upper chamber of Majority of the Republican Party 31-3.

A single Democrat, Senator Joey García de Fairmont, voted “No”, and the Chamber approved the Senate Law 90-8 on the party lines.

According to the text of the measure, “reaffirms the meaning (s) of long data” of sex, man and woman in state law, preserves the baths of women, bedrooms, locker room and other private facilities for the exclusive use of women, to avoid “abuse, harassment, sexual aggression and violence committed by men.”

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Governor Patrick Morrisey, Riley Gaines, Heather Higgins of IWF (R.), and Senator Patricia Rucker, R-Charles Town, (l.) They are seen in an invoice signature event.

Governor Patrick Morrisey, Riley Gaines, Heather Higgins of IWF (R.), and Senator Patricia Rucker, R-Charles Town, (l.) They are seen in an invoice signature event. (Screen capture/Government Patrick Morrisey)

Morrisey said Wednesday that he was inspired by the history of the 14 -year -old athlete Emmy Salerno de Shinston, outside Clarksburg.

Salerno and his teammates refused to participate in the event of the Harrison County Intermediate School Championship of 2023 as a protest against being prepared to compete against a transgender student athlete.

Morrisey, then general prosecutor, showed his support behind a demand on the situation.

“This is an incredible day for W.V.“Morrisey said Wednesday, noting that Gaines, along with the president of the Independent Women’s Forum, Heather Higgins, stopped by her side.

He went to the president of the Roger Hanshaw credit house, R-Clay; State senator Patricia Rucker, R-Charles Town; And of the. Kathie Hess Crouse, Republican of Buffalo, as crucial to approve the law: “I worked on this issue for a long time, and even at this time we have multiple cases in the United States Supreme Court,” said Morrisey, adding that in the end, the true heroes of the movement are the athletes themselves, as manager and Salerno.

HESS Crouse told Fox News Digital that he was happy to see that the bill was successful.

“I have firmly remained in support of this bill along with Riley Gaines,” he said. “There are undeniable biological differences between men and women, and allow men and children to compete in women’s sports or enter spaces only for women is not only unfair but also a serious security concern.”

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Riley Gaines speaks after Governor Patrick Morrisey signs WV's Riley Gaines Law.

Riley Gaines speaks after Governor Patrick Morrisey signs WV’s Riley Gaines Law. (Screen capture/Morrisey government)

“Protecting the integrity of female sports and single -sex spaces is essential, and this law is a victory for women’s rights, equity and safety,” added HESS Crouse.

Rucker told the WHEELING INTERLIGENCER The bill “is not a matter of hating (transgender people) or calling them names or wanting to abuse.”

“I know several (transgender people) and I respect them and I think they should be sure to live their lives and choose what they want to do, but it does not cancel the right of women who do not want to share space with … a biological man.”

Meanwhile, Garcia, the lonely Senate Democrat in opposition, said that the transgender is not “a decision that people make but who they are,” and questioned the need for the bill.

In addition, the president of the Democratic Party of Virginia Occidental, Mike Pushkin, denounced Wednesday’s ceremony as a “photography” for Republicans.

“I hope that Riley Gaines has enjoyed her rapid stop in West Virginia to celebrate the bill of Governor Morrisey to make the bathrooms big again,” Pushkin joked, who is also a delegate who represents Charleston.

“While the Republicans aligned for selfies and the five five about the legislation on who uses which bathroom, the Western Virginians were still waiting for legislators to address real problems, such as jobs, medical care and roads that we can drive without risking damage to our cars,” Pushkin said.

“Maybe the next time Mrs. Gaines visit, will remind Republicans that working families need less political acrobatics and more real solutions.”

At the ceremony, Morrisey pointed out that President Donald Trump also led the issue with his executive order similar to the legislation of West Virginia and his recent White House dispute with the Democratic governor of Maine Janet Mills.

“This is a problem that has almost universal support,” he said. “Yes, the alarm went, always dig in their heels, and try to force the rest of the country to adhere to the radical gender ideology. Well, that will not happen here. That will not happen in Western Virginia.”

Gaines commented that when he turned to Morrisey’s podium, he seemed “a little silly” to get an ovation standing for “simply saying that men and women are different.”

Gaines stood out on the subject after competing against the swimmer of the University of Pennsylvania, Lia Thomas, a transgender athlete, in the Women’s Swimming Championship of the NCAA 2022. She offered a “shout” to Salerno for her courage to face a similar situation, and said that it is refreshing that Morrisey and others lead this issue.

On the other hand, he said, some governors have fallen into the heels with “awakened” changes in biological definitions and school sports regulations.

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He pointed to the governor of Wisconsin, Tony Evers, a Democrat, who caused a fire storm when his state budget proposal changed the term “mother” to “inseminated person” and “husband” to “spouse”.

Evers caused heat of the Republicans throughout the country, as well as the Wisconsin icons, born in Mississippi, Brett Favre, who called “Move” “meaningless” of Evers. “

Later, Evers defended the measure as a way of giving “people an opportunity used IVF, which I think the Republicans are a bit of agreement: (and) they have legal certainty about a mother can have a year of attention.”

In the Charleston event, Gaines added: “They have called us a lot: ‘Cervical’, ‘Owls of the uterus’, ‘menstruaters’, ‘chest food’, ‘people in childbirth’, but ‘inseminated people’ really take my cake.”

In response, Morrisey turned to the legislators gathered and joked: “You will not send me a bill with ‘inseminated person’ written in it, not in Western Virginia.”

Fox News Digital also contacted the Western Virginia Democratic Party to comment.

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