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Love is Blind’s Ben Ben Shares ‘Time One’ of Sara Breakup, Nashville Plans

Love is blind star I mezzonga shares his side of his gauge drama with a former fiancé Sara Carton – with “revenue”.

“Sara told me just a few days ago (we had dinner) that she would be in Nashville all summer,” said Ben, 28 years, Wednesday 12 March, Tiktok video. “To a large extent, I found out if I wanted to make a long distance with a fragile state in which our relationship was after filming.”

Sara (29 years) and Ben dealt with invisible during Love is blind Season 8, which was filmed in Minneapolis in the spring of 2024 and broadcast last month on Netflix. Sara eventually Have caused the order On the altar, citing basic political and religious differences.

After Sarah’s decision, Ben asked if he wanted to continue dating. The nurse only said, “We’ll see,” later she claims that the all-all seeing it dated briefly. According to Sara, Ben planned to join her in Nashville to the remaining part of her travel nursing agreement before she allegedly retreated at the last minute.

In his sincere video tiktok, Ben addressed Sara “tears into” his alleged behavior During Sunday, March 9, she found herself and denied her claim.

“I thought I came to the meeting that we were with Sara and I were in good conditions.” The reason I thought it was because we had very small to no contact all the time when she was in Nashville, ”Ben said on Wednesday. “In October she sent me a text for my birthday and then moved back in December.” Several times we came across bars with mere pleasant conversations. I wasn’t ready for her to deal with this situation. ”

According to Ben, “they thought (they) were broken” at a time when Sara believed she was still walking.

“The problem is that I addressed me (Sara and she) scary,” he said. “I reached out on Saturday that she moved to Nashville when I took it off,” Find my friends “(a) for it, as well as the next day, because I knew he was still angry.”

Love is Blind Ben Mezzenga clarifies the timeline of the decay of Sara Carton

To further illustrate his point – Ben mark his recording “Inside information, timeline and income from the final episode, Reunion and all in the last year” – the developer has shared the Screenshots of the alleged text messages of the former couple.

“Smul me, but it’s okay.” I feel really good when I’m back. I’m just telling you, so you know where I am, ”“ Ben read aloud. “In this case, he still thinks we are together, but the answers do not seem like we’re together.” Then it continues (and I say): “I’m sorry, I know I should have done it better.” ”

After Ben’s text he pointed out that he “tries to figure it out” How to heal his broken heartBen revealed how Sara reportedly responded.

“And that continues,” as a team effort to keep each other respect and continue to be under good conditions, “Ben read her alleged message.” Do you say that “be for good conditions” if you still go with someone? I don’t think so. ”

Ben then sent two more subsequent apologies in April 2024 and May 2024.

“She gave up (my message), which was enough for her and I felt bad and I thought about it all day, so I sent her another apology,” he said. “That was a text that had no weight on words.”

Ben’s 7th April 2024, the message said, “I want to apologize for just removing things from the blue and not calling you to your ride to Nash. I take care of you a lot and I think I just want to protect my heart. Yesterday morning and today I cried a lot and I know that yesterday I should do things better. I’m just trying to do my best to respect you and stay in good conditions and still take care of my own feelings. ”

Sara apparently did not answer, but Ben wrote 28 May 2024.

“Hi Sara, you meant me, and since we’ve stopped talking a little in a strange situation, I wanted to find out if you had time on facetime this week,” he wrote. “It would be good to see how you are.”

According to Ben, he was “so confused” that Sara thought they were still a couple.

Meanwhile, Sara addressed Nashville all this during her Thursday 13th. Podcast.

“I just hoped we were just going to us two,” Sara explained. “We decided a week after the weekend that he would come to Nashville with me.” … On the day I went to Nashville, I felt a little dropped. I was confused because we had such detailed agreements, but in the end, when he removed me from “Finding my friends”, I had the greatest clarity: “Okay, that’s actually who is Ben and what is the situation.” As if I felt quite cheated. ”

Love is blind He is currently streaming on Netflix.

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