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Meta launches public notes in the United States next week

Next week, Meta will start the most important substantial repairs of the company because the information on the platforms.

On March 18, Meta will start issuing the version of the community records for users of Facebook, Instagram and themes in the United States. The program copies a crowded fact inspection system presented by Twitter in 2021, and this was the only means to correct the bug after the Elon Musk platform turns to X.

Meta leaders say they are aimed at receiving the community’s records in the United States before rolling its features to other countries. Given that the US is the most profitable market, we can hesitate to disseminate community records in other regions such as the European Commission, where the European Commission is currently Exploration X for the effectiveness of the public records.

Movement, also meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has patiented to calm the Trump leadership before Conservative care points criticized meta for Senzova.

Facebook users in the United States will soon see community records (credit: meta)
By clicking on notes, more information (credit: meta) will show

Zuckerberg initially announced these changes In January As part of a broader effort to give more prospects on platforms to more prospects. Since 2016, the truth of the third party to check the information about the platforms, Neil Potts, the data policy of VP, said that the journalists did not have sufficiently biased and a large number of mistakes.

For example, Potts said that Meta fake Fact-inspection labels applied to each other An article on climate change Fox News and Wall Street appeared in the Journal. In another situation, Zuckerberg recently said that Joe Rogan should not be in Podcast Covid-19 was fired as wrong information around their vaccines.

Meta hopes that social perception, where community notes are biased, will provide a smaller awareness system to provide a less mistake and provide a wider awareness system. However, this system does not replace community standards in meta records – the rules of the company that dictates the posts of hate speech, cheats or other prohibited content.

Overhaul of methane content moderation comes at a time when many technological companies are trying to resolve historical biases against conservatives. X, Elon Musk, who claimed that he was centralized the social platform around the social platform “Free Speech”, showed the efforts of the industry. Openai said he recently taught AI models Hugs “Intelligent Freedom”“And it said he would work to not be censored in a certain point of view.

Meta’s Product Management Director Rachel Lambert said that the X’s open source algorithms around the META community records on Wednesday are based on the new truth inspection system.

Meta opened Applications for Contributors to the Community Notes Network in February. Methane contributors, Facebook, Instagram or topics will be able to offer direct inspection claims in an article. Other contributors will then assess a note because it is not a helper or useful, determining that the community note will appear to other users.

Contributors can assess notes useful (Credit: Meta)
(Credit: Meta)

Like the system of the X, the meter’s community notes system, usually assess the disagreements of contributors in posts. Using this information, meta will usually show a note if the parties who oppose each other are beneficial to a record.

Most of the metership contributors do not mean that this is due to the celebration of a society. In addition, Meta says the algorithms shown in a post in a post will not lower an article or account algorithms.

For years, such as community notes, Izdafet systems were seen as a promising solution to the detection of misinterpretences on social media, but there are shortcomings.

On the positive side, researchers saw that people include the fact that the third party is tended to see the truth as reliable than the flags, according to a study published in the magazine Science.

Another extensive research on the fact of the Fact inspection system, researchers University of Luxembourg Posts added to them in community records reduced the spread of 61% of the widespread posts.

But many writing do not receive notes or take them very long. X and soon Meta requires a consensus between the contributors, which are facing community records, often mean that these fact checks are added only after reaching thousands or millions.

The same university of the same Luxembourg research also determined that the community notes could be very slow to interfere in the early and most visal stage of a post of a post.

A recent study Digital Hate Advisory Center Highlights the conundrum. Researchers took a sample of messages with election incorrect information in the X and offered the accurate and relevant information about these articles of the contributors about 81% of the time of relevant information.

Receiving suggestions, only 9% of these articles received a consensus among the contributors, that is, the vast majority of these articles did not appear.

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