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Wendy Williams in a “big” mental and physical shape, says brother

Wendy Williams“A close family and friends are still gathering around the former host of talk show in the middle guardianship.

“He’s mentally and physically in great shape,” brother Wendy Tommy Williams exclusively shared with Us every week Wednesday 12 March. “Leave her out.”

Since May 2022, Wendy has lived, 60 years, on the basis of legal guardianship, which oversees its finances and health. Speculation surrounding the former radio host cool and the absence of the public led ka 2024 Difetime Documentary name Where is Wendy Williams?

This week, however Us every week He confirmed that Wendy was transported from her assisted housing facility to the New York hospital “for evaluation” after the police were called to carry out wellness control.

Wendy Williams Health and Personal Fights over the years

Related: Wendy Williams’ health and personal struggles over the years

Wendy Williams made subtitles for much more than her brutally honest opinions and in the air with her interviewed A-List. The hostess Talk Show found herself in the face of numerous health and personal struggles, from the fight against cocaine addiction at the beginning of her career, until recently, fighting Graves’ disease, hyperthyroidism and more (…)

Wendy later appeared Breakfast club And she said she had undergone tests of competencies that she claimed to go through “flying colors”.

Wendy Williams Brother says he's in great condition mentally and physically left Out 168
Paras Griffin/Getty Images

According to her brother, the ability to pass these recent tests is a positive step forward.

“Now has a direction and understanding of its functional abilities and abilities,” Tommy said Our. “It’s a victory for Wendy, big.” And she did it herself. It also shows that it is liquid with its thoughts and actions. ”

Wendy’s friend Ginalia Monterrosa – Who accompanied the media personality to the hospital this week – recently sent a letter to adult protective services and asked for a probe into what she saw as “worrying circumstances” surrounding Wendy’s treatment.

In an exclusive interview with OurMonterrosa – which is part of the Connect Care Advisory Advisory GroupThey said those closest to Wendy, “we just find the next steps of what happens.”

All Wendy Williams over the years said about didy from burning rumors after drama Cassie 569 570

Related: Everything Wendy Williams Over the years said about didy

Wendy Williams and Sean “Diddy” Combs have not been under the best conditions over the years. The drama between the couple began at the age of 90, when Williams opposed didy at her radio show Hot 97 on several occasions. In 1998 Williams was released from the radio show and maintained the “faith” that didy (…)

“It gives the public to know that it is unfair, it is unfair,” Monterrosa said about recent interviews Wendy. “They don’t have to be in custody.” Is not incapable. He will continue to express his opinion. ”

Wendy Williams Brother says he's in great shape mentally and physically leave her from 170
Santiago Felipe/Getty Images

According to Monterrosa, Wendy must not have a mobile phone in the device in which he lives. Instead, she has a fixed line in her room that allows her to make outgoing calls, but doesn’t allow her to come.

“We would like to be in an unlimited environment and other devices-who should come and out, see her friends, people can call her, can have an iPad, can use two-way telephone-one way (phone),” explained Monterrosa, “explained Monterrosa,” explained Monterrosa. Monterrosa Our. “(I have) freedom to go to the store and supermarket, go to the gym, have life and things we take for granted.”

Before the judge decides on Wendy’s custody, the former host of the talk show is expected to speak on Friday, March 14, episode View.

Those closest to Wendy Hope will soon be good news.

“It’s waiting and we’ll see,” Tommy said. “We want to take root of Wendy.” We watch and listen and encourage it. And we pray. ”

With the announcement of Andrea Simpson

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