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What happened to measles does not go soon, CDC warns

Hundreds of patients and hospitals are already hospitalized and taken to the hospital in New Mexico will deteriorate before improving. A recent signal sent to health providers said that the deadly virus continues to spread rapidly to control and prevention.

CDC warning was presented in the health warning network (HAN) Health Advice released the end of the last week. Tuesday, Texas are health officials documented 223 Girls in the state, 29 hospitalized and eventually with a dead. It was also measured declare This year, in other states, including New Mexico, New York, Alaska and Florida.

Texas measles has been going on since the mid-January. Many people living in Mennonite communities in the villagers of many, most of them were abnormally affected. In the late February, the unpleasant “school-aged” child died of a child preventioned in Texas – the first such US death declare in decade. The understanding also spreads to the neighboring regions of New Mexico, and 33 people were reported. New Mexico Health Workers in early March declare Recently, a resident who recently had a positive test for measles, although the person’s official death of this person continues.

As the measles are highly contagious, you can quickly spread quickly through communities with vaccination rates. About 94% of a population, a concept known as Herd immunity, should be vaccinated from measles to prevent an understanding. Very early to others, local healthcare It was a concern Hundreds of more infected and have gained larger since today. Even a month ago, the accident, about 30 years in about 30 years, was the largest in the state.

25 years ago, the prophets, when the prophets took place in the country of the country where the disease are lowered, and the risk is expected to be expected in the United States, Texas and New Mexico waiting for the National vaccine. In his advice, the CDC says that the “speedy expansion” to start.

This year, in 13 states, measles were reported. Tuesday, Oklahoma Health Authorities declare Texas and New Mexico groups are two cases in the state. Though the work done in some other places, which seems to be related to the journey, although the next broadcasts can be created from them.

In general, the total of 2025, the total number of measles, which was reported to be the national place last year, said Tally was good at TALLY. This year should be worse since 2019 and see if there are widespread and sustainable broadcasts in New York parts threatened Eliminate the official state of the country that eliminates measles in a local level.

It started this latest Robert F. Kennedy JR, the new head of the Department of Health and Human Services Robert F. Kennedy was held at JR. Although Kennedy said he had supported a series of support since the seizures the HHS, it has a long trace record of vaccines, including measles, planks and Rubella vaccine. Recently held Scientifically unsupported treatment The code is for measles as liver oil supplements.

CDC in turn clearly states MMR vaccine “The most important tool to prevent measles remains.”

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