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CYRENCE has origin in the twilight zone of the new episode

If you follow the latest episode “after hours” Nonsenseand you are a fan Twilight zoneYou can hold a few parallels to an episode of a series with the same title. This week before Nonsense the weathered, an eagle-eyed follower in x (Requisites, seriously) took a note to the similarity and advised to watch “after hours” Twilight zone Episode, like preamble.

And the fear that acts of this vineyap is really a very cool companion part. You can say to the Creators NonsenseOf course, to whom he looked Twilight zone All in a inspiration, Rod Serling and the company took a number of special requests on this side. Revealed the ends differently Twilight zone episode Ryan Coogler has formed the approaching horror film PerpetratorIndeed, there is a very strange period in which we live in, this is not a good reminder that it’s never a bad time Twilight zone (Experienced +) Stream in regular rotation.

The “hours” of 2025 and the 1960s are followed by the “after hours”.

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In Nonsense The episode “after hours” Mrs. Cobel, Devon (and Rear) should talk to a skeptical security guard to obtain a rude consciousness that will allow Innie consciousness to wake up outside Lumon. It is a very strange exchange:

Cobel: “We will do five cottages.”

Security: “I don’t plan anyone.”

Cobel: “He is one of Jame. No one knows … Miss Marsha White, the ninth floor.”

Guardian: “Department of Specialties.”

Cobel: “I’m looking for gold Thimble.”

It is a trick and Kobel, Devon and the hidden engagement driver. Many Nonsense The viewers seized the things that “Jame’s” could initially mean (many theories, smooth Ikigi from them), it will focus on here, it is the last part of the exchange. Anyone standing in another size in Kier is almost will recognize lines with the verbs Twilight zoneafter the hour ‘s’. “

After that
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In the first show in the first show, on June 10, 1960, “After the Hour” on the 1960s Anne Francis (familiar in the 1956 Sci-Fi fios for his memorable turn) Prohibited planet) As a gift for his mother as a woman who goes to a noisy store that wants to get a gold timble. The narration makes us easiest because of the company’s elevators: “Miss Marsha White’s most struggle, the task fleeing the ordinary, running from the run.”

The lift collection shows that the car just went up to eighth The floor and then the roof, but be sure, despite the ninth floor of the ninth floor, despite the ninth floor, which is tempted in a strange way to a store sold in another way … Gold Timbles.

Narration continues as Nonsense Parallels: “Miss Marsha in the ninth floor, the department of the specialties, the prices will find it, but there are better probability that it is not only a department store. This is not a department store Twilight zone

After purchasing, Marsha returned to the back of the elevator before taking the summit; Whipped and bitten and goes to give his mother as a gift in this situation. Shop managers are confused when describing the shopping on the ninth floor. No ninth floor of the store! It would be quite excited, but then steals the unique sales secretary to sell them Thimble … and the woman actually understands that it is mannequin.

Shock is enough for him to pass and “hours” in the store when awakened. There is no one but the mannequins that start to move around and call Marsha. Probably one of the terrible Twilight zone There is always a sequence and undoubtedly with horror movies Wax house and Tourist trap and perhaps Rom-Com Manecequin As a nightmare bait for anyone who is an unnatural fear from you.

After that
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Twist, as berry Be a twist, this is a mannequin in Marsha and a period of freedom allowed to live in a powerful period of freedom – he really forgot who he was. It is full of a mannequin filled with a mannequin with a mannequin to look like Francis.

“In the state of Marsha in a normal and natural situation, a wooden lady, a month of a month, which is a bear of one bears as normal and as meat and blood like you,” explains the last narration of the episode. “But it surprises it, not How much normal We? Crackdown Who are We distract our greetings when they crossed on the street? A pretty good question to ask Twilight zone

Quick detective may seem deeper to “after hours” to find more Nonsense Tips (Lumon Pr Spiting Natali has a little naked doubt that a wooden lady can be), but it looks more NonsenseAfter the hour, the “hours” reflect more topics here from the actual plot details.

This Nonsense The dialogue feels flawlessly as Cobel’s security guard, almost in the stock market as they speak in the code. More than being in the universe Twilight zone Reference (Watch Lumon workers Twilight zone During his spare time?) This smart reverse is like a blink of the audience that accepts this smart reverse. After understanding the one who Marsha was, a colleague forgot his wife for forgetting who he was in a timely manner. They “real people”. Covers, if you want.

Lumon’s cut staff look like this store’s mannequins: in certain conditions, they are allowed to come alive and they should remind you that they do not indeed Man. Although these two episodes “after hours” were planked in a separate context, they feel a lot with each other.

Or, who knows who knows, there are also those who come to roaming lumon’s halls. We certainly saw some Feaky The material occurs in Office.

If you look like us, this special dive Nonsense The rabbit hole now thinks of what other Easter eggs and references are about you to look at the other time. If you have found what is especially exciting, share in comments!

You can make the flow Twilight zone Paramount +; Nonsense Streams in Apple TV +.

Want more iO9 news? Check out what time the end is waiting for Dishonorable, Star warsand Starry track Releases, what is next DC Universe on Movie and TVand everything you need to know about the future Who.

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