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The Day of Resurrection sounds like a nightmare

The Internet, when hanging on each cast announcement for the Marvel Cinematici universe for the master of narrative, the truth behind being on the next large tent may be a little less interesting.

In an interview with Hollywood reporter, Russo brothers (Electric) Return to the amazing board to work in the next two Avengers Movies, Avengers: Day of Doomsday and Avengers: Hidden wars, The former iron man will present Robert Downey JR to the Devil, who turned the doctor to play DOOM.

This is not the first time they do something that is risky with the leading star of this franchise. Joe Russo, Downey, still recalled Downey, which is the leading MCU as an iron man Captain America: Civil War “After the nature of the character. And the pitch of our lives. And said,” Yes, let’s say. “The risks liked the credit of Robert, and this choice has led the explosive War of Infertility and Slander

In the past, Russos have kept a number with a set of baseball style cards that reflect a famous stepped cards. “Yes, we continue to use baseball cards,” Anthony Russo was shared. The method helps to form a statue of the statue they did not work.

Joe added: “Now they have a magnet, so we can look on a board on the board. It is the only way to watch the amount of characters we work.”

Not something related to making a story, Anthony begins to look like this aspect of this aspect is not something that falls down. “And how much we look at the movies, it’s a long creative process to explore the places we want to take the story. What is the most surprising and exciting area for us to push and what characters in this effort help us?”

However, the contracts and financial statistics of the stars openly play; If they did not, why are you using baseball cards? As a Marvel Film cross-benches, the more card was taken to the deck This Fantastic Four: First Steps It turns out this summer. So will Russos be a more star player on board? Or did people act with the filled line of characters that surpass the story of the film? We will see a gamble on a larger scale of the same card on a larger scale, but we will see that the release does not pay 2026 Avengers: Day of Doomsday.

Want more iO9 news? Check out what time the end is waiting for Dishonorable, Star warsand Starry track Releases, what is next DC Universe on Movie and TVand everything you need to know about the future Who.

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