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Love is Blind’s Taylor Haag and Daniel Hastings’ Relationship Relationship

Taylor Hague and Daniel Hastings they did Love is blind – and reality TV Netflix The experiment works.

Taylor and Daniel fell in love with the look invisible When in the spring of 2024 they arrived in Minneapolis in Minneapolis and the show was broadcast a year later to Minneapolis. After an effortless connection in the pods, the duo walked through the aisle and eventually said “I” in the final of the season – and remains blissfully in love.

“It would be quite underestimated to say that it was a wild ride,” Daniel told Taylor in his wedding promises. “It’s crazy to think that five weeks ago I got to my knee after the first date.” I fell in love with you because … the way you process things, the way you think about things, the way we immediately became the best friends, the way I see you, that you have joined my life as my mother’s mother and my wife for the rest of my life. Like it. I see it. ”

He added, “When we walked in the pods, you don’t see it, you can just imagine it. And then I see you, and that’s what I see. This is who you are and that is what I love for you. I only see the future with you. I see our life together and I’m so excited. ”

Love is blind Taylor Hague explains why she almost went home

Related: Love is Blind’s Taylor ‘almost went home’ before Daniel’s proposal

Taylor Haag almost left out of love is the blind season 8 pods long before Daniel Hastings ever suggested. “I almost went home – I lost my voice for three days straight and I was so frustrated,” Taylor said, 32 years, in an interview for Entertainment Weekly in an interview on Wednesday, February 19. “My voice is all me (…)

Continue to move for Taylor and Daniel’s complete time axis of the relationship:


Taylor and Daniel were one of the first first data in the podswhere she witty him to get to his knee. After standing, the duo joined its values ​​and shared the love of the Christmas holiday.

Despite the immediate connection, Taylor almost gave up her public search for love when she felt sick during filming.

“I almost went home – I lost my voice for three days and I was so frustrated,” she said Entertainment a week “My voice is all I have here and fighting to get words. I really did not interact with the girls in the lounge because I tried to relax so that (my voice) came back as quickly as possible, so I felt like I was missing about these interactions. ”

She added, “I started putting things in my bag. I was glad, “If I don’t have a voice tomorrow, I’ll go home,” and it came back. ”

She said yes!

“Love is blind” season of 8 stars Taylor Haag and Daniel Hastings ”

Taylor Hague Netflix

With the return of her voice, Taylor was able to continue to know Daniel, who eventually designed at the end of the ten -day experiment under.

“Frankly, I’ve enjoyed your friend in the last two days – but I’m to be my fiance,” he asked. “So I’m not going to spend time anymore, I just get to my knee.” I’m on my knee again, full of circle. My dear Taylor, will you marry me? ”

Taylor and Daniel met personally after she accepted his proposal.

Instagram of all this

“Love is blind” season of 8 stars Taylor Haag and Daniel Hastings ”

Taylor Haag, Daniel Hastings Netflix

After revealing the couple, Taylor felt something gone And he claimed that Daniel knew what he had before he joined the experiment, and speculated that he was watching her on Instagram before filming. Daniel wrinkled the accusation.

“It’s funny because it was one of these moments – we always tend to agree, but when we disagree, we agree with disagreement.” And I thought, “I understand what he says.” And (my husband nick) like: “I don’t think it’s such a big deal,” “Cohost Vanessa Lachey solely said Us every week about the first argument of the couple. “That’s the beauty of the show is the speech of the water cooler.”

She added, “If someone is watching you and knows a lot about you, is it fair? And it didn’t give you the opportunity to really know them who they are because it is personal. Therefore, it is Instagram and is published. She had this little voice in the back of her head, and I’m really proud of her that he spoke it. ”

Love is Blind with Nick and Vanessa Lachey disagrees with the drama Taylor and Daniel S. 490 Daniel Hastings Taylor Haag

Related: Lib’s Nick and Vanessa Lachey disagrees with Taylor and Daniel’s drama Ig

Instagram-Gate is a rocking love is blind-marry Lacheys. Daniel Hasting and Taylor The Hague’s engagement blissful bliss when she accused him of watching her on Instagram before the show. “It’s funny because it was one of those moments – we always tend (…)

Meet Hastings

“Love is blind” season of 8 stars Taylor Haag and Daniel Hastings ”

Daniel Hastings, Taylor Haag Netflix

Taylor was eventually able to overcome his hesitation and continued with their engagement during the journey to Honduras until their wedding day. Both decided to marry – the only pair of season 8 that did so – in the final of the season.

“I fell in love with your words (to our first date) and every day for the future,” Taylor said in her promises. “From the first date we have chosen each other and promise to choose you for the rest of our lives.” You gave me the love I wasn’t sure, but I always prayed. ”

Happily until death

“Love is blind” season of 8 stars Taylor Haag and Daniel Hastings ”

Daniel Hastings, Taylor Haag Greg Gayne/Netflix

During Meeting of the season 8Taylor threw “that last year was really great” for the new one.

“Daniel is my best friend, as we laughed all the time, which I think it was quite a lot,” Taylor said during everything. “We’re just having fun together and I’m authentically alone and he’s accepting (that) I’m super me.” It takes it at a nominal value and laughs with me, which is priceless. ”

Meanwhile, Daniel made his love a little more permanent and got Taylor’s eyes applied to his chest.

“I know she had the finest heart, it’s the most kind,” Daniel shared himself at the time. “I really enjoy it every day I experience it how he treats other people, and of course, how he treats me.” When I saw him communicating with friends and the family and the people we encounter, and how kind to them is and we know it’s what I experienced with her in the pods … It also applies in real life. ”

March 2025

Daniel described Taylor as his “best friend” in honor of a sweet birthday.

“Today and we always celebrate you my sweet taylor – because the world is brighter, kind and better.” I love you! “He wrote over Instagram March 13.

Taylor changed her social media descriptor to take Daniel’s surname.

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