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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Wegovy, eat your heart. In a new research document, scientists find a natural hormone that can help people lose weight while fleeing side effects with similar medicines in Semaglutide (active content in Ozempic and Wegovy) and similar drugs.
The team of researchers in Stanford medicine conducted research, published In the magazine in nature last week. With the help of artificial intelligence, the team appointed a unknown peptide that seemed to reliably reduce the weight of the mouse and miniature pigs, without the appetite and weight of miniature pigs or other gastrointestinal symptoms. The molecule will need more work to check the safety and effectiveness of people, but the findings have an image related to the future of obesity treatment.
In recent years, semaglutide and similar drugs have been emerging Really revolutionary For the medication of obesity. These drugs used for type 2 diabetes proved to help people lose more than diet and single exercise 15% – 20% Lose weight in clinical trials. In the seemlutide, ITStah and metabolism between other functions (some medications such as a medication, which imitate other related hormones, both GLP-1, as a pirzepatide), works with GLP-1, a hormone.
As groundbreaking as these medications, they are often known to cause irritating GI symptoms and can rarely cause more serious complications such as GastropareSis (stomach paralysis). Scientists tried to find and develop new generation medications that could lose weight or provide other comfort. In this vascular, Stanford medical researchers developed a new strategy to find drug candidates.
Many hormones in the body are activated only when precursors are cut by special enzymes. These precursors are called prohormones and are called Prohormon conversions of the family of chopped enzymes. Researchers looked at one of these enzymes, known to produce GLP-1, in ProHormone Convert 1/3. They decided to see that they could find hormones related to other useful hunters produced by an approximate enzyme. To speed up this discovery process, they have developed a computer algorithm (nicknamed peptideedor) to narrow the list of potential molecules to suit the criteria.
This option found the initial party of 373 prohormones that can give 2,700 different peptides (peptides are often the building blocks of larger proteins, but can have different functions in the body). From there, researchers rejected 100 peptides that they know or suspect the brain hunger (including GLP-1 for comparison). And as a result, a long peptide, a long peptide, a long peptide called BrinP2 or BRP, defined a molecule, especially in prospective.
Scientists then tested the BRP in laboratory mice and miniature pigs (Minipigs are thought to be closely similar to people metabolic). The only dose of BRP in a short period of time has often reduced the appetite of both animals, and sometimes they have decreased more than 50%. The obese mice of BRP have lost a two-week weight loss, and more than this weight is kept.
Additional practices have not involved the GLP-1 receptor to all the effects of hunger strike in BRP’s brain, and simply relate to animal-like drugs. Floor animals, as well as anxiety levels, anxious behavioral levels or water setting, as a drug, the changes that the BRP can be endured reliably did not change.
“Receptors targeted by Semaglutide are found in the brain and the intestine, pancreas and other tissues. Therefore, the digestive system and blood sugar slowing down the level of pathology, Katrin Svensson, Katrin Svensson, said he was in Stanford statement from the university. “On the contrary, the BRP is moving specifically in the hypothalamus that manages appetite and metabolism.”
The team’s findings are certainly in this point. Before seeming to BRP as a big deal, it will take more time and research, including very successful clinical trials before the BRP seem like a big deal. However, the team’s discovery is the latest to suggest that the semaglutid really causes sea change in the treatment of obesity. There are already dozens of experimental medicine in the pipeline that threatens to overcome an opponent or even ozempic / wegovy Different formulas Semaglutide. In turn, Svensson and colleagues have already presented patents in the BRP, and he has established a company hoping to develop a molecule for clinical use.
No drug comes without side effects, but the future of the treatment of obesity can be included in the slightest nausea.