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Britain’s Internet Watchdog puts storage and file sharing services on CSAM

The UK’s online security act (OSA) has launched a new application program on the Internet Watchdog, OfCom, online storage and file sharing services related to the Internet, online storage and file sharing services.

Regulator, the image-based children said that the use of sexual exploitation material (CSAM) is said to be “especially sensitive”. This Executive Program In CSAM services will evaluate security measures that they place in places aimed at preventing the spread of CSAMs.

OFCOM added that these services wrote “one number” without nor of these services. They said that “official information requests” will soon inform the measures taken to resolve CSAM and the measures planned to carry out. They will ask them to provide an assessment of illegal damage risks.

Failure to comply with OSA can lead to 10% of the global annual turnover.

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