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Democrats must make a choice

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What should demorate do? It’s a big question now, not just for a party only, but only in the US. In addition to Senator Senator Bernie in Benico, traveling to Chris Murs MUS, but weeping with the weak and the weak of bad political members in the American President.

No challenging challenge in his unreasonable tax return, or anger of taxed taxed for people and companies that would set the country in The state of funding is fixed. Unlike aircraft, a medical market is burning because of the alarm in front.

Even the Republic who thought was worried about being unable to wait, to give his economic policies to empower the country. Gathering of recent recent recent background school in terms of great marble with his plans and deep concern for America.

The first Ronald Buy Republicans say: “If the Democrat doesn’t know that there is no significant miracle to reduce them. This is not a demo.

However, some gifts are almost like that. With a piece of sensation, Veteran Carville democracy increases that Democrats should “Play is dead” and leave the bottom of the heart. Others suggest that progress should “convince the area and control the economy in a happy way, such as the trumpet himself.

But both sides missed a key point: Demotets demotets cannot speak with a community until they have special prejudice levels. Currently, they do not have it because they have not done a valuable choice between economic ideological ideological ideas. Will Franklin D Roosevelt be their North star? Or old carville employer, Bill Clinton?

While others, like Barabah, Murrenphy and the quote of the democracy and the deduction of the laborers) but in them make staff arrangements) but with them They make arrangements for staff) but they make arrangements for staff) but through the workers’ arrangements) but by making staff arrangements) but in them make government better.

The back phone is pushed by the priced lists by ezra klein and derek thompson book in their new book, A lotwhich appears in the large section in which it is most mentioned is what changed people against democrats. They have good examples of how weak we are, ineffective and spectacular interests have caused the demotecrats to get out of their way and make things done.

There is much more mentioned this counsel, but it is also calculated in what I believe in the economic economy today: Asyrittry. Privacy Privacy, especially large companies, have too much money in Elon Musk. Although workers are far away.

In the meantime, even though they are rich and most inhabitants in the seashore, the election structure states the size of the country as a result of two people. This is the key reason for more rules and California or New York rates were empty of Trump’s victory. Instead, it was a fact that people who have recently had the volume’s volume breaks with old numbers, that she will protect their jobs, to protect their duties.

As long as this election structure exists, and if you believe in social markets but that means most liblesos must be more than their interests.

This encouragement is intensely visible right now with the failure of the Trump’s woody party that, if the financial managers to gain power through their ability to find out. They did not mention the power in 2017, perhaps, because rich scoffers like taxes.

Similarly, many people are split upward between those who seem powerful force for Trump’s producers (where they can talk with the vast economic problems.

Regular readers will know what direction I loved. But the point is that the feces must make a clear choice. Until they do, they do not have a pass message.

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