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Fall Guy Heather Thomas Star reveals that she has shot “stalker”

The fall of a guy star Heather Thomas She revealed that she once shot an alleged stalker she said she tried to penetrate her bedroom.

“I just got so many stalkers, really bad,” said Thomas, 67, Monday, March 17, episode “Still here Hollywood podcast

Thomas played for five seasons Lee Majors In a series of popular action dramatic The fall of a guyIn which players played Hollywood stuntman Hunter Colt Seavers. Thomas played a supportive role as Colt’s confidant and Joda Banks assistant.

The fall of a guy It was supposed to be a starter pad for a larger star for Thomas, yet she says she left Hollywood to the top of her glory because of security concerns for her family.

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In her new interview for Podcast, Thomas opened the host “still Hollywood” Steve KMMEKO We have to deal with “at least two (stalkers) per week”.

“I had a lot of restrictive commands,” she recalled. “I had two little girls and the guy jumped our gate with a giant knife.”

Fall Guy Heather Thomas Star reveals that she shot a stalker that broke into her bedroom 346

Thomas said she felt particularly vulnerable at that time because “there were not many Stalker’s laws.” The actress concerns were associated with a demanding work timetable for primit.

“I remember someone sent me a box of bullets,” she said. “People would send me the funeral wreaths that they stole from the cemetery.” There was a lot of psychos. ”

While Thomas said that “she always had a bodyguard in her house,” she was once forced to defend herself during burglary.

“I had one guy, one night, cut off the screen in my bedroom and entered and shot him,” she revealed.

Thomas explained that her weapon had been loaded with “Rocksalt and Birdshot”, unlike a real bullet, but said she “had no idea” if the intruder ever went to prison. After Thomas decided to leave Hollywood, she claimed that Stalkers had to deal with for a few years.

Fall Guy Heather Thomas Star reveals that she shot a stalker that broke into her bedroom 345
20th century Fox Film Corp/Mark Marmor

“(My three children) She didn’t know much about it,” she insisted. “When we got married in Paris, there were a lot of paparazzi and were very ambitious.” It was the first time (my children) had a lot of awareness. ”

Thomas discussed her experience in fame at the age of 80 and said she had a “amount of dissociation” as it was sexualized in this industry.

“It was the way I sold things,” she said, adding that at that time she was “happy” with her body, because “she worked hard” on her condition.

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In addition to her leading role in The fall of a guyThomas performed several performances Love and played in Cult Classic 1982 Zappen!. Thomas continued to act sporadically since leaving Hollywood, including a portrait Ryan Gosling and Emily BluntRemake from 2024 The fall of a guy.

She was originally married with cocaine anonymous Cofounder, Allan RosenthalFrom 1985 to 1986 before tying a node with a second husband, a lawyer Harry Marcus “Skip” Brittenhamin 1992. Thomas defended the Amazon Consitation Team team and the California Rape Center.

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