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Google, ‘Canvas’ feature, plus audio review

It is said that the imitation is the most sincere form of flattery and Google agrees.

On Tuesday, the company added a feature of AI-promising Twins Chatbot called the company’s canvas. Similar in the concept called Openai in the same way Canvas for Chatgpt and Anthropi’s worksCanvas provides an interactive space of Gemini users, where and provide an interactive place where they can create and share coding projects.

“Canvas is designed for seamless collaboration with twins,” Gemini Product Director Dave Citron wrote in a blog post shared with Techcrunch. “With these new features, the twins are becoming a further effective cooperation that helps you bring your ideas into your life.”

Workplaces such as Gemini canvas, Chatgpt canvas and artefacts are recent attempts to convert the chatbot platforms of AI companies to fully blown fertility sets. Special workplaces can offer more accuracy than text-based interfaces, but also to provide a way to preview the code in real-time mode.

Gemini canvas
Coding using the new canvas tool of twins.Photo credits:Google

Gemini Canvas, which can be used on the Internet and mobile phone, canvas users can prepare long messages with twins and will be able to adjust. Using the canvas, users can update and adjust the specific parts of a draft and adjust tone, length and formatting through special tools.

“For example, emphasize a paragraph and ask them to make shorter, professional, professional or informal,” You can only export to Google documents with one click if you want to cooperate with others. “

As previously seen, the canvas, users package the programs, including creating HTML, reaction code and other web application prototypes and a pre-visible feature. Users may ask twins to make a preview change and canvas will be pushed iteratively.

“For example, tell me what you want to create an email subscription form for your website,” Citron wrote. “You can ask, create HTML for shape and then review how to look at your website application.”

Gemini canvas
New twin canvas can be used to write and edit longer documents.Photo credits:Google

Google brings the voice review feature with the canvas Notebooklm The twins, the company announced Tuesday. Google went to Viral last year to review the voice that creates realistic sound podcast style sound summaries of notebooklm, documents, webpages and other sources.

As in the audible glance, the audio review in Gemini accepts files and contents in a number of formats. The loading of a document via the voice bar triggers and after creating a summary, can be downloaded or shared on the Internet or on mobile phone.

Both canvas and audio review are free for twins users on Tuesday. Canvas’ Code preview feature is only on the Internet, but and the audio review summary is limited to English.

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