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Iguanas, ‘Crazy’ record broke the ocean trip, scientists say

Iguanas in Fiji’s remote islands can experience cold lives, but for new research, because they have to work for it, floating along the ocean of thousands of kilometers in the last 30 million years.

It is true. Several, the new study of a new tree of a new tree of a new tree of 2,100 creepy tree from Galapagos’s tropics and dirty Chuckwallas from the sea iguan, shows that Fiji iguanas are most relevant to southwestern American laptarks.

Given the extensive geographical distance between the two, a group researcher team, a group of desert reptiles in the ancient past floating a group of deserts and somehow did not look at Fiji and there to make it in any way to make it and there. Was the team’s investigation published Today, in the trial of the National Academy of Sciences.

“Fiji iguanas, recently 30 million years ago, or at the University of Simon Scarpetta and San Francisco University, Berkeley University said he said release.

“Dispersal’s probability mechanism was a vegetation match in a vegetation match, so Iguanas from northern America could eat from the raft in the Pacific,” Scarpetta said in an e-mail. “They were resistant to the conditions that they lived as a lack of water and high temperatures.” As for the schedule, Scarpetta offers a schedule for 2.5 to 4 months of the latest simulations, although the previous calculations of the trans-Pacific travel were between 4 and 12 months, he said.

If the result of the team is correct, Fiji Iguanas ancestors, amazing 5,000 miles (8.047 kilometers), cerebral flotsam, lucky ocean, and a dream of western North America. This is a special record in a strange way, in a strange way, in a strangely recognized transocial, in a spine of a surface.

“The iguanas and desert expropriations are constantly resistant to hunger and dehydration, so it will be one of the 8,000-kilometer bunches, and an ancestor as a desert iguana,” Scarpetta said.

Genetic analysis of more than 4,000 iguana genes taken from more than 200 samples of lizards, Fiji Iguana revealed: North American desert iguana (Dipsosaurus dorsalis).

Because the Fiji Islands occurred about 34 million years ago, and the genetic disagreement in the northern American desert iguan of Fiji Iguanas, researchers think that the researchers came to the island in the last 30 million years.

“They are directly called their North America,” said a schermerologist Jimmy McGuire, which has a colonized from the same issue, which has colonized from the same graduation, “but alternative models because we know they came to Fiji for the last 34 million years.”

ERM previously floating from iguanas to the islands of the South Pacific sad. However, the new research is effectively exploited by the concept of an old descendant of South America, as well as the quiet ocean, as well as the quiet oceans for the Pacific.

“Although it is difficult to test on our work, Iguanas added that Iguanas, more than north America from north America to Fiji in an event,” he added. “This is an interesting opportunity, although Fijian Iguanas’s fossils are not known from the Pacific and Volcanic Islands other than the Pacific and Tonga, most of them may be Ephemeral.”

Despite being isolated on the far islands, Fiji and Tonga are in danger due to the combination of four types of Iguana, accommodation, prey and exotic animal trade. The new research endured the life of living and gives another reason to protect the animals to today.

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