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Polyfamily TLC: Get to know couples

New show TLC Polyphamils It explores the complexity of a closed polyamoric quad relationship.

Polyphamilsthat will be released on Tuesday 29 April, followed by two married couples, Alysia and Tyler, Sean and Tayawho decided to live together as a closed quad. Although they are married, Tyler also goes with his wife Sean Taya, while Sean goes with Tyler’s wife Alysia.

“We only walk in us and we got married,” Sean explained. Us weekly An exclusive clip of a trailer. “We have no external partners.”

Alysia noted that they have never “never gone to live their lives like this,” but in the end it worked.

“We realized that we could love more than one person and make our own rules on how we want our family to look,” she shared.

Before Alysia and Tyler became a combined unit, they were already parents of their son and daughter. After associating with Sean and Taya, however, four adults welcomed two more sons with one other child on the way.

“Since the boys are switching rooms every night, we don’t know who the fathers of younger boys are,” Taya shared in the trailer, and Tyler noted that they didn’t want to find out who biological fathers were, because it could “cause a lot of injuries”.

Continue to move and learn more about each pair:

Sean and Taya

TLCS Polyfamily Know Sean Taya Tyler and Alysia

Sean and Taya married for six years before they entered the quad.

Taya admitted that they were facing “back” from their family and friends after telling them about their polyamoric relationship with Tyler and Alysia.

“It is true that it was not always easy – it took me a moment to admit that I had feelings for someone else – and sometimes we sometimes jealous,” she said Today In January 2023. Why would you not want more love and support and more hands? It’s a messy, hectic, crazy, wonderful life and I can’t think of anything else we might ever want. ”

Tyler and Alysia

TLCS Polyfamily Know Sean Taya Tyler and Alysia

After 11 years, Tyler and Alysia decided to enter a closed quad with Sean and Taya. The couple were parents with their son and daughter before meeting with the second couple.

“Our children already knew we were going to Sean and Taya,” Tyler said Today In an interview in January 2023. “We said,” You know, my mother has a friend and dad had a girlfriend and we will move together and we will all be a big family and they will help you parents, so you need to treat them as if you were to treat us – as parents. “

Although she is happy with her life, Alysia admits that sometimes “jealous” over Taya and Tyler’s romance, because “it looks like they’re more in love than he and me.”

Sean and Alysia

Alysia and Sean started to walk in Quad.

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“We didn’t even know what polyamors were until we started to feel each other,” Alysia admitted Today in January 2023.

Taya and Tyler

In addition to getting Taya and Tyler, they are to marry their own relevant partners, they have their own relationship.

Watch Polyphamils On TLC on Tuesday, April 29 at 22:00 et.

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