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Will Israel return to the full war of Gaza?

From since the Israelite Israeli, Benjamin Neyahun rejecting a lot to extend to Hamas in January, when he had a secret of his status. Tuesday hours, brought a distressing peace that permanently permitted.

When Gazab fell asleep, the army of Israel in the coastal mass of the sea, To kill over 400 Palestinane in one of the deadly days in the field from the first weeks of A 17-month warfare.

Recycled was stumbled by very good allies Newshu According to his survival, strengthening his hospital while facing stress and Palestinian military errors.

We pulled out the hatred of families of people who like to have a man’s hand.

Gazeahu is interested in continuing war. “” He has no idea that the minutes are making fun of. “

Employees and Volunteers have been injured to help medical help in Gaza
Israel’s attack in Gaza in Tuesday places have killed more than 400 people © alinallah / anadolu / getty pictures

The main agreement Israel signed in to January depending on a three-step step. Hamas gradually would release not to accept it to Gaza, a violence to release a Genney’s representative to the tablet and forever.

But in recent weeks, Nekyahu, was given a bullying US support from the United States President. Under the intended words, a large number of assets would be released earlier than the planned truce is long forever. Hamas You lost.

Israeli scholars on Tuesday have indicated that they can stop the newborn of Gaza if Hamas believe that those inclined to prevent both war.

But Israel authorities have cleared up just to get ready if the old class refused to accept their needs. “If hamamas firmly return to the important table, this will stop. If not, it will continue.

Tons of Israel in Gaza
Benjamin Neanyahu critics stimulate the time to annoy the renamenmin’s rechargefuls was related to household politics © Amir Cohen / Reuters

The first Israel of Israel in Gaza, who started responding to the 25th war of Israel, was the final power in the history of Indus.

But even if it is an offensive scales – that killed more than 4,000 people, according to the size of the Palestinians, and reduce the execution of their warfare: Release of their war.

Yaakov Amindror, Country Counselor of the Power to Control As Many Forces as the Army War in Lebanon, Hizbollah.

The man had enough energy to take with the Jewish South African South African South African Center Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington. “We killed those who were there. But we left work next. Here we have to workout where we will remain long time we will remain long.”

However, Nanyahu critics have been relieved for a termination period that was about military ideas, even more in home politics.

For many months, the Prime Minister has been under his accurate financial pressure even more than starting war. First Pastor Ben-Gvir put a Jewish power festival to contribute to his suit.

But the rechargeable attack changed political equation, with Ben-Gvir on Tuesday to enjoy a disaster for Nethanyahu. Critics also threatened SMITRICH’s SMITRICH were not eligible to do things.

Those camped pressure said greed was an effort to mislead the growing herb growing up to the head of the Intanya to burn the head of Israel Domegist’s handset. “Soldiers below the front and fancy phones in Gaza A only cards (NeiryYa’s

The renovation of Israel made a powerful way from attending the attendance and those who warned the offended ones who lived in the life of 25 captives living.

“What about those left behind?” Album Alb, one of the sellers wrote in this year, wrote in Instagram.

He wrote: “Again, their destiny is played.” Also, their life is increasing rather than salvation. Also, their lives have become a game equipment rather than something to be protected from all expenses. “

Researchers have said there was a danger that annoying the western bank, no matter what was calm in the lungs. When Israel begins on Israel, Hamas visited Adalesina in a region to answer Israel’s attack in Gazaus from Gazaus in Gazaus.

At least, the IDF is in control (Western Western Bank), “.” But no insurance company can do (assure you) that this will be fine as in the future. “

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