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The largest with you since the return of the Octomom to the Center of Attention

Natalie “Nadya” Suleman In 2013 she retreated from the public eye, but now she returned – and shared her side of the story.

Suleman became famous in 2009 get pregnant with octuplets VIA IVF. In the same year, Noah welcomed, Maliyah, Isaiah, Nariyah, Jonah, Makai, Josiah and Jeremih Suleman, and is also the mother of six older children: Elijah (born in 2001), America (born in 2002), Joshua (born in 2003), Aiden (born in 2003).

How is he preparing for the release of his lifelong film, I was octomom (Saturday 8 March) and documents, Octomom confession (Monday, March 10), Suleman thinks about his life.

“I wasn’t happy as the only child, and apparently I screened my dream on my children and wanted a big, well, not so big family, but I wanted seven children,” she said People. “But it is not enough to say that I wanted a big family because I was lonely. There is a merger of factors. I wanted children to create a perhaps a safe and predictable small world that I missed. my future family

Go down and see the biggest with you from Suleman’s return to the center of attention:

Her 1 ‘regrets’

The largest of the octomsomes returns to the center of attention
Mega agency

Suleman had several IVF rounds managed Dr. Michael Kamrava. While the recommended standard practice is the implantation of two embryos, Kamrava implanted it with 12.

Suleman, who wanted Kamrava, said “only one another” child that he only implanted six embryos. Later he admitted to planting 12 and his professional medical license was canceled.

“I don’t think I would do it too differently,” Suleman said People. “I am sorry not to sue a doctor of infertility. I definitely regret it, because his insurance would be the one who would pay, and that would be some millions and it would be useful for my family.”

She continued, “I regret that I fits under the bus to cover it, and I shouldn’t have, but I was grateful. I wouldn’t have any children if it wasn’t for its innovative technique. No one else in the world did this type of procedure, so I didn’t have in my heart to sue it,” she said.

But Sueman “sued the hospital because he violated Hipaa,” he claimed that hospital staff had allegedly shared their information. “They are the reason I ended up in the public eye.”

Octomom Nadya Suleman Kids to speak for the first time in the documents

Related: Children Octomom Nadya Sulemanovy remember the “threat of death” and others in the doc trailer

14 Children Octomom Nadya Sulemanová has a lot to say in the new trailer for the upcoming confession of Octomom documents. “At the time my mom received many threats of death,” said one of Suleman’s daughters on Wednesday, February 26, trailer for the upcoming Lifetime series, which premieres (…)

Her financial status – and “the greatest misconception”

The biggest with you from Octomom Natalie Nadya Suleman returns to the center of attention
With the kind permission of life

Suleman sets a record directly about his financial situation after he has increased to glory. “I wasn’t unemployed at the time. I was on disabilities,” she said People.

Although she was accused of receiving and using government aid to conceive her children, Suleman said, “That was a lie.”

“I did not use taxpayers’ money. I saved so much money that works as a psychiatric technician in a state mental hospital,” she said. “I saved over one hundred thousand dollars well. I used all the money. Instead of buying a house I bought in Vitros. I also had an inheritance of nearly $ 60,000, which also paid for which I am not proud of. It should go for my older children. I also got student loans.

Suleman’s financial situation happened more desperately after welcomed her octuats, which led her to participate in paid interviews, photographic opportunities and solo film for adults.

“I never wanted glory,” she said. “This is the biggest misconception number 1. I sued to the hospital because it was why I ended up in the public eye.” She added, “I did what I needed to meet the goals. And that was wrong, sacrificed my integrity. The life I led was not only destructive, was dark.

In 2013, in the year when she left attention, Suleman said that the family was fighting financially “more than ever”. Suleman returned to her “old profession as a therapist who worked 40 hours a week”.

She added: “I used my education. For years I have been written as a recipient of social security, an unemployed mother, of which all is wrong.”

Five years later, Suleman left his job when “the needs of the son of Aidan became stunning”.

“I’ve always been his only provider, but I never got paid,” she said of her son, who is autistic. “So in 2018, then I was really paid. It’s a decent money, but it’s still nothing compared to what we have to do to be comfortable in life.”

Now Suleman and 11 of their 14 children live in the apartment of the city house with three bedrooms in Orange County, California. The family receives support from community members, including one pair who “offered us to live half of the rent just because they are good Christian people. People in the church have changed positively.”

Her love life – and to be celibate

The largest of the octomsomes returns to the center of attention
Movi Inc. / mega

Before she welcomed her Octuplets, Suleman was married Marcos Gutierrez. The couple separated in 2000 and officially divorced six years later. Look back, Suleman said People that “it was not a real marriage”.

“I was married, but on paper. He was just a donor, and I just tried to calm my very, very old -fashioned Middle East family on the side of my father, where some marriages are still preserved in advance,” she said.

Her first six children were conceived from the “Platonic Friend”, while the octuplets “have a frozen anonymous donor”. Suleman always knew he wanted a family, but without a partner.

“I’ve never really walked,” she said. “I had one relationship and I was very in front with him and said,” I’m really just interested in a child. Amazing guy, very nice, funny, great guy. And he had feelings, but I really didn’t return them. But I was open with him. I never hid the fact that I just wanted a child and he tried to help me, but that didn’t work. “

Suleman later revealed that celibacy has been for 25 years.

In an exclusive interview with Us every weekMother 14 years have been identified as an aromantic asexual person.

“I’m not a romantic person at all,” she said. “I have no interest in being in a romantic relationship or any relationship with anyone.”

Octomom Nadya Suleman Kids to speak for the first time in the documents

Related: Children Octomom Nadya Sulemanová to speak for “first” in new documents

With the kind permission of Nadya Suleman/Instagram Octomom Nadya Suleman and her 14 children are preparing to share their story in new lifelong documents, admission of the Octomom. “Today, my family and I take our life back,” Suleman said, 49, he told people in an interview published on Friday, January 24th. “I said I wanted to keep (…)

Her threat of death

In a trailer for the upcoming series of Suleman Suleman, one of her daughters claimed that: “At a time when my mom received many threats of death.”

One of Suleman’s sons also sat down with the producers and shared his experience with people approaching to ask about their mother’s past. (In addition to her adult film for the previously she worked as a stripper in men’s clubs.)

“When someone comes to you at school and asks you,” Is your mom stripper? “You don’t know what to say,” the son said.


The biggest with you from Octomom Natalie Nadya Suleman returns to the center of attention
With the kind permission of life

During the interview 7. March with TodaySuleman claimed that the hospital had given a press conference without her consent. She also claimed that the device refused to release her until she “found a manager to help control chaos” madness of the media.

“He was the professor, the manager who tried to protect me, who had confiscated my phone,” Suleman said, remarking that she decided to help her because she was in high school at that time. “And he said as soon as I finished this conversation – I called the interrogation – I saw my children.”

Now that she looked back at it, Suleman admitted that she “refused” if she knew she could.

“I didn’t even know I was right as a patient to refuse,” she continued. “I wish I had some legal assistance at the time.”

Natalie Nadya Suleman says they spend 5000 per month to feed their 14 children

Related: Here’s how much Natalie ‘Nadya’ Suleman spends on feeding his 14 children

Natalie “Nadya” Suleman has a system when buying for 14 children in a grocery store in the neighborhood. “We’ll find a lot of things in sale. I’m a budget really well, and we all eat very, very, healthy,” Suleman, 49, exclusively with us every week, while supporting lifelong documents of Consessions of Octomom. “I focus mainly on (…)

One -off distortion

Suleman said Today That if she went through a pregnancy with her partner at her side, she believes she would get less control.

“If I were in a relationship and was married, it would work like a bumper to be the goal of this hatred, about this descending social comparison,” she thought.

Octomom confession It broadcasts on a lifelong Monday at 22:00 et.

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