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The most controversial moments of Andrew Schulz

Andrew Schulzs controversial moments

Andrew Schulz, Jimmy Kimmel and Kendrick Lamar Kevin Mazur/Getty Images; LBERTO E. Rodriguez/Getty Images; Steve Granitz/Wireimage

Andrew Schulz He is no stranger to insult … well … everyone.

A stand-up comedian turned his views on race, sexuality and politics on his personal brand, which caused a lot of controversy during his career. Schulz’s inflammatory comedy routines caused shocking Celebrity of disputes with similar Jimmy Kimmel and Kendrick LamarAll the time to create an intense debate on whether his intentionally offensive statements exceed the boundary of good taste. As Schulz’s fame and influence grew, thanks to its comedy specialties of Netflix and hit the podcasts “The Brilliant Idiots” and “Flagrant” today has become one of the most controversial people in comedy.

After the release of the latest Schulz’s Netflix Special Life March 4 to look back at some of his most controversial moments:

Kendrick Lamar

Schulz has unexpectedly found involved Drake and Lamar’s notorious beef When Lamar seemed to refer to the trail of 2024 DISS without directly named the comedian. Lamar was reportedly upset about Schulz, illuminated by the so -called “black girlfriend” on his “flagrant” podcast, where he commented on the men who “slapped” their black girlfriend.

Comedian Andrew Schulz wants to bake Tiger Woods after Netflix's baking Tom Brady 089

Related: Andrew Schulz wants to bake Tiger Woods after baking Tom Brady Netflix

Comic Andrew Schulz is ready to take back to the stage after torn the house at Netflix’s roast Tom Brady. Schulz, 41, was one of many celebrities that baked the former Quarterback in New England Patriots, 47, during the Raucous Live Action in May 2024.

On Lamar’s Gnx Watch “Wacced Out Wall Painting”, he told the listeners: “Don’t let any white comedian talk about any black woman, that’s the law / I know that propaganda works for them AF – anyone who is close to them.” In the next verse, Lamar raps: “And to n – – that Coon, N – that has become modified, slipped on both of them.”

Schulz fired back with Lamara’s accusation of defending violence against his podcast Cohosts Charlamagne and Alex Media With his lyrics “Wacced Out Painting”. Addressed beef Breakfast club The radio show in March 2025, where he denied any suggestion that he was “great bully” against Lamar.

“I think, and the world thinks he’s talking about Charlamagne and Alex Media, the two black guys who are at the show. So once you tell people to kill my friends, you get everything I give you,” Schulz later said on “A chair expert” Podcast.

Andrew Schulzs controversial moments
Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

He continued: “You don’t tell your fans to kill two of my friends or slip or attack or attack or anything that is, even if it’s not serious, you give the energy there. So be surprised if you get back some energy.”

Schulz also criticized Lamar’s fans for accusing him of racism simply because of his beef with an icon of hip-hop.

“It’s probably as playful as AF – I will kick your ass, that happens. But now I’m really worried about you because I’m glad,” Well, she thinks he’s a rational person, “Kendrick is a national treasure. It is the victory of the Pulitzer Prize, could not be more talented or loved. And I’m going, “bro, it’s a fight you choose? We have to choose our battles. Is that that?” You were all right. ”

50 cent

Schulz’s controversial jokes about the sexual attack on Lamar were referred to 50 cents during the interview podcast “flagrant” in December 2024.

On his podcast “brilliant idiots” Schulz controversially answered Lamar’s Diss track: “I would love (Kendrick) and there is nothing to do with it. Only Kendrick Lamar, I would love with him.

50 Cent caused these controversial notes in a personal conversation with Schulz, where he asked why the comic would resort to such a threat.

“I’m a fan of your work, but I don’t understand what got into you to say that you will be f – kendrick,” rapper rapper he asked.

It seemed that 50 cents explained the situation in the same controversial way and told Schulz, “It’s from years and years of trauma. It comes from abuse, from the neighborhood in which I grew up.”

Andrew Schulzs controversial moments
Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

Despite their disagreement, 50 cent stated that it was “crazy” “to write petitions” for people and are trying to cancel Schulz for his public dispute with Lamar.

“Look, I’m watching comic culture. I watch comics. I enjoy it on a different level. You’re comedy,” he said 50 cent before he added, “When I watch them (comedians), I look and go, you don’t make sense that you could do something that actually hurts what they developed.”


Schulz has been criticized for being commonly used by the capable language-on-gone of R-Word-on on his podcast, in comedy routines and in promotion its viral clips.

The latest example came when Schulz triggered R-glare while describing the defective embryo during his trip IVF with his wife Emma Turner. The couple in February 2024 welcomed his son Shiloh Jean Schulz.

Schulz was challenged over Anecdota during the performance in March 2025 at the “Armchair Expert” podcast from hosts DAX Shepard and Monica Padman.

“I can say (r-glasses) because they are my embryos,” Schulz said. “If I have r – – embryo, I can tell them what I want. They’re mine.”

Padman claimed that Schulz’s defense was unusual because he had no special needs children, and he could disrupt parents who actually deal with these problems.

“It depends on how he feels about it,” Schulz faced. “If he sees it and they are like,” Hey, it really hurt me and I felt really unpleasant. “Then I feel bad in this personal interaction that someone has been hurt, man … I don’t feel sick when people tell me to feel badly on behalf of people, we don’t even know if they feel bad.”

Jimmy Kimmel

Schulz ended up on outs with one of his recognized comedy heroes for Kimmel’s dispute with NFL Star Aaron Rodgers. Kimmel and Rodgers have a long -term quarrel that ruled in 2024 when the athlete suggested Jimmy Kimmel Live! The host feared names on the flight protocol Jeffrey Epstein. Rodgers then explained that he “does not” blame “Kimmel, that he has some connection with the convicted sexual offender.

Schulz proposed Kimmel incorrectly maintained his disputes with Rodgers before insisting that the host would eventually regret at night as he managed beef.

“Aaron never said he was on the list,” Schulz told his host Podcast Charlamagne in January 2024.

Jimmy Kimmel with a back on Aaron Rodgers for accusations of Jeffrey Epstein Connection 699

Related: Jimmy Kimmel Slams Aaron Rodgers for Requirements to Connect Jeffrey Epstein

Jimmy Kimmel denied and applauded back to Aaron Rodgers for the claim that he was associated with the late Jeffrey Epstein. “Dear A-Hole: I haven’t met, flew with, visited or had no contact with Epstein at all, nor will you find my name on any” list “other than clearly full nonsense that soft brain Wackos like (…)

Schulz expressed his opinion on the podcast “chair expert” in March 2025 that Kimmel was hypocritical for insulting Rodgers’ joke because he normally ridicules celebrities and politicians on his ABC show.

Andrew Schulzs controversial moments
Seth Browarnik/Instarimages

“I felt as if jokes began, and then Aaron had a joke, and then I think Jimmy got some real life circumstances that influenced him. I think he got some threats of death and such a kind S -” said Schulz. “There are a lot of crazy people. Then he did it about jokes. I was glad,” Yo, you opened the door jokes. “The jokes replied.

Schulz continued: “Jimmy is always someone I looked at and admired. He has iconic television shows, a comedy history.


Schulz addressed the object of racism during the discussion of March 2025 with a former star of NFL Shannon Sharpe on “Club Shay Shay” Podcast.

The comedian discussed his jokes with his friends when he insisted that he would consider someone a “corn ball” if he never told him “F – released”.

Asked by Sharpe, if Schulz “black friends” feel the same, the comic answered, “Yeah … I always say with black people, if a white man is not like a little racist around you, then you should not trust them.”

“If there is no racist around you because what they think of?” Schulz continued. “They mean much more racist shit. It must be a little racist.”

Sharpe seemed to be unnecessary and told Schulz to “keep (those thoughts) for himself”. Schulz faced even more resistance for his appearance “Club Shay Shay”, with critics accused of trivialization of racism for easy laughter.

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