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9-1-1 is Aisha Hinds on the direction of Bobby’s mother, Buck’s Love Life, more

9-1-1 star Aisha Hinds She was completely ready to call her directorial debut in the 8 show season – but to be under control behind the camera to come with his own anxiety.

“I was nervous to shoot the whole thing,” Hinds said, 49, exclusively Us every week with a laugh. “Just because I just didn’t have a gauge. I didn’t feel what it was that I didn’t know because I had never done it before. So while everyone was very supportive and encouraging when they told me,” You know more than you think, “I didn’t know exactly how these things would happen.

The Hindes climbed to the director’s chair for the first time on the episode of 11 Season 8 called “The Holy Mother of God”, which was broadcast on Thursday, March 20. The hour mostly introduced Captain Bobby Nasha (Peter Kraus) Stolen Mother, Ann (Lesley Ann Warren), on the series, in detail describing the turbulent relationship and the past of the couple.

While the story line was stiff to anyone who first has to take, Hinds said that the preparation process was very helpful when gave her much needed confidence and “encouragement”.

Related: Oliver Stark: Eddie tries to “deal with emotions” after Buck’s accident

Fox/Sky Witness/Kobal/Shutterstock Warning: This story contains spoilers since Monday, March 6, episode 9-1-1. Shock the state quo. The premiere of 9-1-1 in the middle of the season left Evan Buckley’s life hanging in the balance-watched event that Oliver Stark revealed will have the rest of 118 winding. “We watched these first respondents and the closest ones (…)

“I got to the shadow a few different people to see their entrance points and how they approach the story,” she explained. “And each of them went home the concept that you just let the story be your compass. That was the thing that helped me put things I knew on the spot and things that scared me. … and the first day I showed myself to my first set and unlocked what I wanted to do with blocking.

Council by several mentors and friends – including showrunner Tim Minear – He was helpful, but Hinds noted that in the process where the “stomach” was hinds. For example, many scenes of the episode were shot on mega-boards and called for a large number of accessories.

“The church was one of the things that scared me because there were 400 accessories! And so there are so many moving parts,” she added. “You know all these accessories, you have big cranes, you have four cameras that are going at the same time. You have a choir. You have your main actress, Leslie Ann Warren, giving us its incredible soul on this scene.

911s Aisha Hinds to handle Bobby Mom Mamba Love Life as a director

Lesley Ann Warren, Sean O’Bryan Disney/Christopher Willard

The challenges aside, the scene between Bobby and his mother were some of the favorite Hindes who shot.

“The whole story line (z) Bobby’s mother, who returned to her life through the Church, was quite deep for me,” she said Our. “Like someone who is immersed in my personal beliefs and my own faith, it went through, it was one of the things I really enjoyed peeling of layers and saw my own skepticism and some of the interviews that were built, and the trauma felt surrounded by was disconnected from his family.”

She continued: “So I loved unpacking this story in real time because they had this intense reunion that turned out to be truly, truly tender and beautiful and vulnerable to everyone. Was you know, a certain level of transparency that everyone had to be willing to experience and say some things aloud?

Oliver Stark, 9-1-1
Disney/Christopher Willard

Bobby, of course, was not the only person who worked on his questions during the “Holy Mother of God”. After eight seasons of speculation of fans, buck (Oliver Stark) was finally confronted with the question of whether Has romantic feelings his best friend Eddie (Ryan Guzman). This topic was raised by Buck’s ex Tommy (Lou Ferrigno Jr.(Jennifer Love Hewitt). Buck denied the accusation, although neither Tommy nor Maddie looked fully convinced.

Hinda, she knew that the topic would be a milestone for the show and “of course” he felt pressure to do justice – for the audience and for her good friends, Stark, 33 and Guzman, 37.

“It is well documented that I have a very close relationship with Oliver off Screen and even Ryan. And that’s what our fans wanted to hear loud and unpack, do you know? “She said with a laugh.” Because now they’ll look at me as a person who decides how this story should go! “

All jokes aside, Hinds loved it 9-1-1 Writing the team was able to “hear, listen and talk” with a part of Buck’s story that “a lot of People are invested in.”

911s Aisha Hinds to handle Bobby Mom Mamba Love Life as a director

Aisha Hinds, Peter Krause, Kenneth Choi Disney/Christopher Willard

“For Buck, it’s a healthy thing to have the opportunity to share its truth and share where it is and what is happening,” she said. “And to express his thoughts for Tommy and what he thinks may or may not continue, and to make Maddie a vessel to say aloud what many people want to say or think. And so they solve conversation.”

Hinds noted that they were actors who really “took the cloak” and managed the situation “beautiful vulnerability and authenticity and honesty” and looking forward to seeing where the story goes.

“It is much further to explore with Buck and his heart and his love life,” she said Our. “And I just hope that in the next seasons we will be able to do this in a way that really honors him and the way he was from the 1st season,” “

Regarding the top performance it contains, Hinds quickly provided all credit for their roommates for their talent, but was deeply grateful for their support and determination to ensure that they would add the best possible episode.

Related: Season 8 9-1-1 ‘promises a crisis for each member 118

Disney/Chris Willard 9-1-1 season 8 is on the way and around 118 is about to be the main drama. After Fox was abolished at the end of its sixth season, 9-1-1 found a home on ABC for the season 7.

“I think we share a very deep connection between us as characters and outside the camera as friends and friends. Among us are deep friendships and deep trust. They were really, really supportive and rooted for me and wanted the best for this episode, as for me,” she explained. “So everyone has shown that they want to do the best and then. Whether it’s for me or just serving stories and their characters, I’m grateful.”

For Hindy it was just a treatment to watch its costumes from a new perspective.

“As we walked through the process, I was so happy and so grateful that I watched them work from the other side of the camera, and really slipped in some of the options they do,” she told us, “and watched the shows every week.

New episodes 9-1-1 season 8 air on Thursday ABC at 20:00 et.

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