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Jay Shetty shares its tips and tricks to find happiness

Jay Shetty It is known for its ability to simplify complex philosophical concepts and present them in a relative and engaging way.

Shetty (37) has worked with many celebrities and public personalities, including Tom Holland, Kim Kardashian, Jelly roll and Bill Gates. Now the best -selling author and host of podcast “he intentionally” shares its spiritual wisdom and practical advice in the last issue in the last issue Us every week.

In addition to help Our Unlock deep secrets for life effective, meaningful and Jubilant lifeShetty takes his hit podcast on the road. The A tour of the “filmed live” It is scheduled to travel around North America with stops in the United States and Canada.

Continue to scroll and take Shetty’s words of wisdom:

Our: Where does happiness come from and how do we get there?

Shetty: I think one of the most common misunderstandings about happiness is that it is the goal we are trying to arrive, even though it is what we can experience. If we map the course towards a meaningful life by engaging in things that are deeply careful for us, and that it supports our purpose, happiness will be a natural by -product. For example, studies show that when people engage in service, they often feel happier. Happiness (can be) a natural by -product of monitoring our purpose.

Our: How can we build a happy mind?

Shetty: Here’s an area where I think it’s really useful to understand how our brains work. We are involved to notice negative more than positive in life, so when something stressful or bad happens, it gets our attention more easily than when something pleasant or positive happens. Unfortunately, many online content is aimed at playing this connection. Not only are there more negative headlines, but they are more likely to tune in to them, which strengthens our perception that the world is a bad place. The good news is that we know it, we can decide. Instead of automatic click on posts or subtitles that are disturbing or scary, we can put the phone down or actively seek positive content. Over time, we are developing more balance in our brains and our perception of the world will also move.

Podcaster Jay Shetty shares their tips and tricks how to find happiness 723
Images Phillip PharaohOone/Getty for Spotify

Our: What are the most common obstacles that get lucky?

Shetty: There is a great quote: “Comparison is a thief of joy.”
Think of a time when you were absolutely satisfied with something you had – maybe it was a new couple of sneakers you got two months ago – and then you saw someone else with a nicer, newer couple. Suddenly you were less satisfied with what you had. There may be some cases where we can use comparisons positively to inspire us, but most of the time we use them to measure against others. No matter where we are in life or what we have, it almost inevitably leads to misfortune. The comparison can be a difficult habit to break, but it is worth the effort.

Our: How can we stop worrying about what other people think of us?

Shetty: Actually, I don’t think we could stop taking care of completely, because to some extent it is again part of our innate cabling. When we rely on the groups to live, it was necessary for us to fit to some extent because our lives depend on it. Even today it is not bad to have a certain degree of awareness and care of how others see you; It’s just that you don’t want to assign too much importance to it. What helps us is to develop a deep sense of our own values ​​and what is important to us. Instead of trying to please others or constantly have consent, we can learn to seek our own consent. This comes when we are in line with what is most important to us.

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Our: You said that more enriching happiness is based on deeper purposes. How do we find our deeper meaning and purposes in life?

Shetty: I believe that your purpose is about finding what you are in what you like and also has a value to the world. You can think of it almost as a formula: Passion plus expertise plus usefulness equals the purpose. Some of us were almost born to a sense of our purpose, but for most of us, discovering our purpose is a process. It’s a way that takes place over time, and that’s fine. It is about exploring and experimenting, discovering your skills and revealing your interests and watching what the world needs.

Our: Communicate Our on the formula of 4-e. Can this lead to a happier and fulfilling relationship?

Shetty: Yes, the 4-E formula is about four different categories that you can do with your partner. These are: entertainment, experience and experiments, education and engagement. All these are great, but the problem is that we usually do only one: fun. Together we watch TV and movies, and maybe we don’t really have to discuss them in a way that is enriching. Experience and experiments are about how to do new things together, about bringing news to its energy. When we participate in education, we learn together, so we grow together. The involvement is really strange because it is a service. When you go out and have a positive impact on the world, it can strengthen it and strengthen the relationship like nothing else.

For more information about Shetty, pick up the latest edition Us every weekNow on the stands.

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