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Researchers are in a hurry to save US government information to trans young – before

If you think this sounds you aren’t mistaken. When Trump adopts the Presidency in 2017, scientists, archivists and librarians at the University of Pennsylvania competed to save Information published by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and NOAA. Another group of Michigan is afraid of EPA and NOAA sites, it could a similar action. Websites were backed up on the Internet archive; The extensive database was “bag” to keep it safe.

At that time, researchers were convinced that the leadership would want to delete any information. More like a hunch, then Trump began to remove climate change in April 2017, a HUNAY, which leads the Trump assembly and agency manager Scott Pruitt “To reflect the approach of the new management

Between 2017-2021, more than 1,400 pages have been changed or less accessible on climate change in government websites The information has been developed By EDGI. This is a “comprehensive change list” of Gucky Ghehre, who led the EDGI’s website monitoring program. overcome EPA.Gov “Climate change” from the navigation page – only once again affects several pages than considered.

“I think that after the first Trump leadership, there is more awareness about the transportation of federal data,” says Gehrke. “Watching the Trump campaign really excited with trans people and knowing the history of the Trump Administration information investment, people are at risk and are right.”

So becincia is concerned. There are fewer databases, as there are fewer and few people, and those who want to know about the health and well-being in America can be disastrous.

Although the YRBs is currently Live on the CDC websiteAlong with information on food and drug management and health and human services websites, briefly disappeared after a while earlier this year order From the office of personnel management, Trump’s executive decisions were scrubbed.

Judge John Bates, who responded to the John Bates in mid-February claim The doctors were given a temporary restrictive order and the site was restored. Any rejection in the top of the YRBS page “Any information that promotes gender ideology on this page does not reflect the biological reality of this page, and therefore this department rejects it.”

Tazlina Mannix, until 2015, both for the YBS program in Alaska, as the Survey Coordinator and Information Manager until 2023. He notes that although the CDC maintains the CDC data online, the rejection of the site is now difficult to work with researchers. Collecting public health information, relies on relations with people in health departments and school districts. It says “can return you to zero,” any reason to trick people. “When I first saw (this rejection answer), it was very horrified. The language is so excessive, and this is wrong.”

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