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This is the best scene in Star Trek: Voyager’s first season

Starry track He always found a great power in episodic format. Of course, the classic was filled in all serialized elements, and some were superior in the elements they read in those elements Nine deep space did in the back half. There is a reason for any time Trek A stream was revived for age mainly serialized formfans were spoiled (and then turned the point in modern examples to twist the trend) Strange New Worldslike “return to the form”). For generations, Trek At any point in a season, you have penetrated this episode of nature to keep track of everything you will have and you will have all the way you will come out, and you have everything you need and do and have everything you need The story of a killer along the way.

Many people can be fair to say, then where the episodic story is Starry track is the best. But sometimes he is undisputed, and even franchise brushes each other and an interesting, sometimes irritable, friction and sometimes Voyager Probably in the ’90’s years, Ouevre was one of the biggest examples. The wider space of the ship and its staff was far from the other side of the galaxy, 70 years away, Creates interesting questions In seriallyted elements – a star-star actor in a landscape in a landscape, which affects the crew and relationships with each other, the federation of resources, technology and relations.

But it was a show about being more than scanned in early days Anomaly of the weekAnd leave, because this will happen next next time. Even with these serialed elements hanging on the scenario and setting, Voyager, Perhaps more Tng and DS9, was Staunch with the champion of episodic format Trek He always hugs – even if it means a show where this quality is You can go wildly goodbye from the week to week. But sometimes, today 30 years ago today, today with the broadcast of the ninth section of the season, it can be its cake today and eat it.

Star Trek Voyager Prime Factors Sikaries
© paramount

Has an interesting place in the great episode. Voyager A generous developed culture, enjoyable Sivarians, strange new travelers have been happy with the gifts and patterns of the Promised Society. However, when the crew has a spacecraft that will significantly reduce or completely eliminated home journeys, this technology is not only among, not only between, not only amongn Voyager and the sikarian management, but between the parties Voyager Elements of the fucking society, which thinks of a deal for trading for technology, regardless of the wishes of himself and leaders.

When this, these circulations that are so much Voyager Preparations are preparing to leave the feast, a group of staff decided to be naughty and trade: Voyager‘The library, filled with new stories, in exchange for an example of a transport device. Initially, the ideological division is surprising; A group of other former maquis staff protesting against starfleet standards of B’elanna Torres and Janeway gets a chance to buy a house. But they are surprised when they and the audience helped in trade by Tuvok, VoyagerStaunced Rules-Stickler and Captain Janeway’s closest term.

But still this is an episodic story and nine episodes Voyagertravel. Wake up no Go home and “head factors” knows it, but it plays with this idea. Tuvok is trading, but technology does not integrate fully VoyagerSystems and this is almost destroyed while trying to use it. Things don’t just go bad, they approach the disaster as he can. This is not surprising. What is the next one, here: Janeway Tuvok and Torres’s office to obey Tuvok and Torres to follow the commands of Tuvok and Torres, a completely incredible landscape when ordering trucks. First, Torres tries to fall on the sword, but in Tuvok, he is trading, in a logic that trafficked, he does not allow him to work on his or spiritual QUENŞAY.

And kate mulgrew crackdown dies froze in response. Expected anger, while wearing B’elannan, it is a decent decision to be a painful frustration, which is a bitter frustration, which is a bitter disappointment. Although the Janeway was never fully shrinking, he can grow enough to grow enough voice to express his voice only to report his job. As the most fearful in the show so far, as the most scary in the show, as far as those who come to this day, when they are equally controversial, it is becoming more frightening and becomes tuvoka.

Digestion is not only the most reliable chief officer, not just the most reliable chief of the surface, not only one of the true friends, it is a melancholy softness to change the length Voyager. Look at the Janeway as a tuvock, explain the logical picture of the situation here, as well as the sincere assessment of the penalty, and even Mulgrew, do not work more than vibrating to the sound of Hell. The scene ends – all the episodes, both Janeway, as well as the tuvok, as well as its way, it has changed at the moment, and one day is reconstructed, but it is raw and changeable. Can Captain and Safety Proceed, but can they continue like friends, like, or adjustable?

That is thus Well, but still next time we see them in the next episode, everything is fine. Everything should be. Star Trek: Travel After all, it is an episodic show. All this tension, these questions, these questions should fall in anything, so we can choose ourselves and continue with the status quo. There is a disappointment there, the show is something that has so much potential, it is done so well, and the result cannot be important. Even in this connection, there are an interesting test of thinking to imagine that we have allowed to see stories for weeks and even stories in stories. But this is not just what show Voyager is doing.

And perhaps, this also allowed it to take a moment for a moment as the last sight of the “head factors”. As a series show like Voyager Has it threatened to radically change one of the most important relationships in the series soon? This division here could know that this emotional rift is only available for this in the context of this scene, the choices and performances were going to leave the script?

Whatever the reason for this we have received anyway and we saw what we did to get Voyager May be the best.

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